A Dangerous Charade

by Anne Barbour

Published 29 August 2008
Alison Fox was the epitome of the lady's companion. Prim, proper and efficient, no one would suspect that, in her past, she had also been Lissa Reynard, successful gambler and adventuress. She had left this life behind her, but knew that it was only a matter of time before she would be found by the one man she feared the most.The handsome, iron-willed Earl of Marchford, nephew of Alison's employer, had vowed revenge on the notorious card sharp who, he believed, had ruined the lives of his brother and his brother's wife. She had eluded him for years, but now he had shown up on his aunt's doorstep, suspicious of the woman who had gained the affection of his beloved - and very wealthy - aunt.How was Alison to prevent the discovery of her previous identity? And even worse, what was she to do about the attraction that had sprung between herself and the earl? An attraction that soon turned to passion, wild as a wind-blown fire.

Miss Prestwick's Crusade

by Anne Barbour

Published 2 September 2003
Miss Helen Prestwick has completed her arduous journey from Portugal to England determined to ensure the future of her nephew, the twelfth Earl of Camberwell. Unfortunately, she has no evidence that the child is the son of Christopher Beresford who died in battle - and knows her claim will enrage Christopher's cousin Edward, who currently wields the title.Edward Beresford never wanted the earldom to be bestowed upon him, nor the familial and financial responsibilities that came with the title after his cousin's death. But he's not going to surrender the title without verifying the legitimacy of Helen's claim. Although Christopher's mother and sisters are pleased as punch at the possibility of a new heir, Edward finds himself enchanted with the child's lovely guardian, whose mission to usurp his title has also ensnared his heart.