This brand new Little Book focuses on using everyday objects that appeal to young children in the EYFS, with a clear emphasis on the use of non-standard measures as well as standard measures in meaningful contents. Explore opportunities such as estimating how many 'giant's strides' it is from the door to the climbing frame, or how many handprints tall each child is, as well as using trundle wheels, metre rules, sand timers, stop watches, balances and scales. The activities use simple to obtain and inexpensive materials, so are suitable for practitioners working on a tight budget (which many of them are)!

This Little Book builds on children's natural enthusiasm and curiosity about shape and space. The hands-on, easy-to-follow experiences cover both 2D and 3D shapes and will inspire children to explore the spaces all around them in both indoor and outdoor play, and as they become familiar with the shapes and patterns in their every day environment.

The Little Book of Talk

by Judith Dancer

Published 12 January 2017
Identified as one of the three prime areas of learning in the EYFS 2014, communication and language is high on the agenda of head teachers and leaders in all Early Years and school settings. Speech and 'talk' are at the centre of this requirement, and children are required to meet an expected level in order to be identified as having reached a 'good level of development'. Talk is the precursor to both reading and writing. Essentially, if children have nothing to speak about, they have nothing to write about!

The best way for children to enhance their receptive vocabulary (the words they understand) and their expressive vocabulary (the words they use) is by being surrounded by adults who talk and listen to them! Adults should engage children by observing them, tuning into their passions, getting involved in their play and using their interests to trigger their curiosity and therefore form a springboard for learning. This Little Book is packed with lots of low-budget ideas, activities and experiences that will enhance and enrich children's learning journeys through talk!

This Little Book offers easy-to-follow activities and opportunities for maths problem-solving, both indoors and out. The fun, multisensory ideas will trigger children's curiosity and enthusiasm as well as aiding their mathematical development.

Maths in general is an area many early years practitioners lack confidence in – many having struggled at school themselves. They need lots of ‘bright ideas’ for teaching maths, which are not intimidating and are very ‘doable’.

This hands-on Little Book provides a breadth and depth of content that will enthuse both adults and children to explore fun and exciting everyday situations and number problems together.