
by L. J. Trafford

Published 2 August 2014
Debauchery. Depravity. Decadence.Just everyday life at the imperial palace.Whilst Emperor Nero plays with his new water organ and a cross-dressing eunuch, his wily secretary Epaphroditus manages affairs of state. But dissent and rebellion are growing across the empire, and Nero is soon to discover playtime is over.Praetorian prefect Nymphidius Sabinus, disgusted by the moral degeneracy, secretly plots the overthrow of Nero's court. Motivated by the traditional Roman values of valour and nobility, yet blinded by his own righteousness, Sabinus is ignorant of what he has unleashed - The Year of the Four Emperors.Palatine is the first in an enthralling four-book series about the tumultuous 'Year of the Four Emperors' which will appeal to fans of Lindsey Davis and George R. R. Martin.

Otho's Regret

by L. J. Trafford

Published 21 July 2017

Duplicity. Degeneracy. Destruction. One Empire. Two Emperors. Only one can survive.

Rome, AD 69. Having spectacularly grabbed the imperial throne by way of a very bloody coup, new emperor Otho is horrified to discover another emperor already declared. Aulus Vitellius is relaxing in Germania, and his two generals, the twisted Valens and the handsome but dim Caecina, are marching colossal armies to Rome to claim his prize. Hopelessly outnumbered, all looks doomed for Otho, until a series of unexpected victories bring hope.Meanwhile, a former palace slave, Antonia Caenis, returns from Judaea with plans of her own...