Book 41

Dakota Dreamin'

by Janet Dailey

Published 1 January 1981
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in South Dakota.

Now she could make her dreams come true. Edie Gibbs stared at the check in her hand. She'd never imagined that the inventions Joe worked on during their eighteen years of marriage would provide a windfall after his death. Actually, she had only one dream: to own a ranch in the Black Hills of South Dakota. And now, she could. But it wasn't quite that simple. Her new ranch was a run-down wreck, and her neighbor, arrogant local rancher Will Maddock, made every encounter a battle. Some dream, Edie told herself.

Book 42

Sentimental Journey

by Janet Dailey

Published 8 June 1979
"Is it really me you want?" Jessica asked. She tried to pull away from Brodie. It was suddenly very necessary to think clearly. Jessica's meeting with Brodie Hayes after so many years was accidental yet devastating. The Brodie Hayes she remembered had been a poor young man from the wrong part of town. And he had pursued her older sister unsuccessfully. Now Brodie Hayes was a rich, powerful businessman welcome anywhere. Jessica could not help but respond to his overwhelming charm, but could she be sure his interest in her was genuine? She did not intend to be a substitute!

Book 43

Savage Land

by Janet Dailey

Published 28 June 1974
Coley was close to tears. "Don't you want to tell me how much you love and adore me and how you can hardly wait to marry me?" Coley's voice was mocking. "I was so looking forward to that part." Even though her own heart was breaking, she could still derive pleasure from watching the angry scowl on Jason's face. How upsetting for him and his plans for the Slash S ranch that Coley was not falling into his arms as he thought she would!

Book 44

A Land Called Deseret

by Janet Dailey

Published 10 August 1979
"Are you admiring the view?" he asked.

"Yes," LaRaine agreed without turning. She did not want Travis McCrea to see the brightness of the unshed tears in her eyes. "It's a vast, beautiful . . . " The lie stuck in her throat. She could not find anything beautiful about this desolate country. " . . . nothing." she finished with cold, blatant truthfulness.
"You could be right." Travis considered her reply. LaRaine felt his gaze on her. Heat rushed through her body as she realized he was applying the description to her instead of the land-a beautiful nothing!

Book 45

Green Mountain Man

by Janet Dailey

Published 11 August 1978
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Vermont.

"I do still love you and want you back again." Jonah's gaze roamed possessively over Bridget's upturned face. "So don't think I've given up because I haven't." She gasped at his audacity. How dared he come back as if nothing had ever happened? She thought of her struggle to rebuild her world without him in the small Vermont town - the placid, comfortable life she'd finally achieved. He wanted her back, did he? Well, he could just think again. Jonas had walked out of her life ten years ago, and she wasn't going to let him walk back into it!

Book 46

Tidewater Lover

by Janet Dailey

Published 8 September 1978
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Virginia.

"To hell with the rules!" Cole said. His smile was mocking. "We've been here together for only one day and we're already on the verge of breaking rule number one- no sex." Crimson flamed through Lacey's cheeks. Why had she involved herself in this situation? Why had she agreed to share the beach house with Cole? She must have been crazy! She was crazy to stay with him, Lacey told herself. But she just couldn't leave. She was dangerously, irresistibly attracted to Cole-and they both knew it!

Book 47

For Mikes Sake

by Janet Dailey

Published 11 May 1979
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Washington.

"I don't care why you came back." Maggie's eyes flashed angrily as she added, "You're the father of my son-but that's all. I divorced you five years ago because I wanted you out of my life. I don't want you now!" It was a lie. The divorce hadn't stopped Maggie from loving Wade. Only pride kept her from admitting it. And pride made her contain her curiosity about Wade's return. He'd said he merely wanted to visit their son, Mike. But Maggie secretly feared there was something more...

Book 48

Wild and Wonderful

by Janet Dailey

Published 14 November 1980
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in West Virginia.

Could Glenna bargain with a man like Jett? For her father's sake, Glenna Reynolds felt she had to try. The government was going to shut down her father's coal mine any way-the only chance was for a merger with Jett Coulson's huge conglomerate, Coulson Mining. She found Jett Coulson devastatingly attractive, but a tough businessman. And he wasn't interested in absorbing Reynold's losses. "It would have been easy if you'd suggested a merger with you,' he told Glenna. In spite of his cool, emotionless arrogance, somehow Glenna was tempted by the proposition!

Book 49

With a Little Luck

by Janet Dailey

Published 9 October 1981
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Wisconsin.

Born and bred in small-town Wisconsin, Luck, the man with the blue, blue eyes, has always called his friend Eve "a little brown mouse." Eve knew he never looked at her the way he looked at other women but she always wonders if love will ever find her. Then, after so many years, she meets Luck McClure again . . .

Book 50

Darling Jenny

by Janet Dailey

Published 3 January 1975
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is set in a different state, researched by Janet and her husband, Bill. For the Daileys it was an odyssey of discovery. For you, it's the journey of a lifetime. Your tour of desire begins with this story set in Wyoming.

After being hurt and disillusioned in love, Jenny runs home to Wyoming to be with her sister Sheila. Jenny is determined to protect her sister from a fate similar to her own. Soon, Jenny finds herself trying to protect Sheila from the clutches of the wealthy, dangerously attractive Logan Taylor -- only to fall in love with him herself.

12 - IDAHO

The Traveling Kind (Idaho)

by Janet Dailey

Published 1 December 2012