Everything you need to know about the PRINCE2 qualification, whether your studying, have passed the exam and wondering what to do next, or simply wanting to start using the best of PRINCE2 straight away.

This book is designed to give practical information and advice about the project management method PRINCE2. This is a lighter version of the official text and more accessible, providing only what you need to know. It includes a reference map of PRINCE2's approach and themes - a unique feature that will provide a rich, graphical representation of PRINCE2's key features.

From the Author: According to the Office of Government Commerce, 20,000 organisations in 150 countries are using PRINCE2, and there's an ever growing interest in becoming a qualified practitioner. So for those with an interest in project management it's one of the hottest tickets around. I've written Brilliant PRINCE2 for those in search of a concise and accessible guide to this popular method. It covers all of the core material. So it's ideal for those studying for a PRINCE2 exam, or looking for a handy reference source to back-up what's been learned already. (You'll notice that the book has been accredited as an official PRINCE2 product.)

PRINCE2 is a big subject - the official manual weighs in at over 300 pages. Brilliant PRINCE2 helps to make sense of it all, by guiding you step-by-step from project kick-off, through delivery and on to closure. There are chapter-by-chapter summaries of all the key points - and topics are mapped back to the PRINCE2 manual. You'll even find two diagrams that each manage to fit PRINCE2 onto a single page!

Importantly, there's also plenty of practical advice on applying PRINCE2 tools and techniques in the real world. This is based on many years of using the method to deliver all sorts of projects. You'll find lots of useful tips, examples of best practice, and a good smattering of "war stories" to make the material easier to digest.

Ensure that your projects succeed every time

Whether you are organising an important event or heading up a large team, running a project can be a daunting process. Spiralling costs and missed deadlines are part of everyday life for many project managers - in fact, more projects fail than succeed!

But project management doesn't have to be this way.  It is possible to manage projects that consistently meet deadlines and come in within budget. Brilliant Project Management shows you how. Drawing on over 30 years of experience, you’ll discover how to ensure your projects succeed every time.  


·    Make a success of any project

  • Deliver on your promises
  • Save money, time and your sanity!

It’s the ultimate guide to becoming a brilliant project manager.

Projects - and Project managers - are failing at an alarming rate. In the IT industry only 24% of projects succeed according to the Government Office of Commerce. In an ever growing market, Brilliant Project Management stands out from the crowd. This revised edition is part of the high profile Brilliant series and the first edition redefined the mould for books in this category.

Through its engaging and entertaining approach, Brilliant Project Management does more than just talk you through the process. It provides practical advice and techniques taken from people's experience in the real world so you always know exactly what to do and say to make your project a success.

Brilliant Project Management highlights the areas where your actions and behaviours will make the difference between failure, an average outcome, and a huge success. Whether you're always behind schedule and fighting to catch up, haven't a clue where to start, or simply want your projects to be more successful, this book will teach you simple and effective techniques to leading successful projects every time.