Sovereign Grace

by D. L. Moody

Published 7 January 2012
In this short book, first published in 1891, the great American evangelist Dwight L. Moody (1836-1899) gives a powerful, succinct explanation of the sovereign grace of God. Moody writes: "In the exercise of his high calling, the faithful ambassador of Christ must not scruple to declare the whole counsel of God, "rightly dividing the word of truth," to all classes of hearers. He must warn the openly wicked man that if he persists in his evil courses, the just judgments of God will inevitably overtake him; he must unmask the hypocrite; he must utter no uncertain protest against the crooked and devious ways of the self-seeker and the time-server. But if he enters into the Spirit of his Master, no part of his public work will be more congenial or delightful than the proclamation of the full, free, and sovereign grace of God, manifested towards sinful men in the gift of His Eternal Son, to be the Saviour of the world."

Men of the Bible

by D. L. Moody

Published 6 April 2010
In this collection of short biographical sketches, celebrated preacher Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) draws lessons from the lives of nine men of the Bible. Included are compelling portraits of Abraham, Moses, Naaman, Nehemiah, and the Penitent Thief crucified alongside Jesus. There are also two studies of pairs for comparison: Herod Antipas and John the Baptist, and the Man Born Blind and Joseph of Arimathea. Moody's style is direct, easy to read, inspirational, and full of insight!