Book 1

Promise Breaker

by Robert Elmer

Published 1 May 2000
Book 1 in the Promise of Zion series. WW II has ended and Dov Zalinski is determined to carry out his parents' wish of journeying to Palestine. There he meets Emily Parkinson, daughter of a British major, and begins to change her mind about the Jewish refugees.

Book 2

Peace Rebel

by Robert Elmer

Published 1 May 2000
Book 2 of the Promise of Zion series. Dov and Emily survive a bombing and are taken to a Jewish settlement in Galilee. Emily wants to return to her father, but when she is kidnapped by members of a Jewish terrorist group her only hope rests with Dov.

Book 3

Refugee Treasure

by Robert Elmer

Published 1 February 2001
In 1947 two teenagers from different backgrounds are thrown together once again as the United Nations votes to create the state of Israel.

Book 6

True Betrayer

by Robert Elmer

Published 1 August 2002
War breaks out following Israel's 1948 declaration of independence, finding Dov and Emily at Yad Shalom kibbutz helping old friends--and perhaps a new enemy--prepare for the approach of Arab soldiers, as Dov struggles with questions about his faith.