Shopping Math

by Helen Thompson

Published 1 September 2013
When you see a sign in your favorite store saying that everything is 30% off, can you do the math to figure out what that means? Are you good at keeping track of how much things cost—while remembering how much money you actually have in your wallet? What about sales tax? Do you remember to add that on to your total costs when you're deciding if you have enough money to buy a pair of jeans? Shopping Math can help you do all this and more!

Banking Math

by Helen Thompson

Published 1 September 2013
If you've ever gotten a check for your birthday or saved money for something you wanted to buy, you've seen that even a little money can mean a lot of math. Understanding the math behind money and banking can help you save and spend wisely, even if you don't have much. In Banking Math, you'll learn about the numbers and arithmetic that are part of everyday life. Whether you're buying something at the store or saving for a vacation, math is a huge part of everyday life.

Travel Math

by Helen Thompson

Published 1 September 2013
When you're traveling, there are all sorts of numbers to keep track of. If you're driving, how many gallons of gas will you need for the distance you have to cover? How much will those gallons cost you at the pump? If you're going by plane, you'll need to juggle flight schedules. If your plane is delayed by 3 hours, will you be able to make your next connection? And what about if you travel to another country where they use a different kind of money? Will you be able to figure out how to change the money you brought with you into the currency of the country? Will you be able to set your clock back the right amount when you travel across time zones? Travel Math will help you do all this and more!

Culinary Math

by Helen Thompson

Published 1 September 2013
Cooking is a kind of science—you have to get the measurements right to make everything work. It takes math. In Culinary Math, you'll discover how numbers, ratios, and other math help make tasty foods you can cook yourself.