Hank El Cuida-Mascotas (Hank the Pet Sitter)
10 total works
#3 Ñam-Ñam El Pececito Muy Consentido (Book 3: Yum-Yum the Very Spoiled Fish)
by Claudia Harrington
#4 Elmer La Oveja Sigilosa (Book 4: Elmer the Very Sneaky Sheep)
by Claudia Harrington
Hank El Cuida-Mascotas Set 1 (Hank the Pet Sitter Set 1) (Set)
by Claudia Harrington
#2 Pickles El Cerdito Muy Hambriento (Book 2: Pickles the Very Hungry Pig)
by Claudia Harrington
#7 Fawn El Ciervo Muy Pequeno (Book 7: Fawn the Very Small Deer)
by Claudia Harrington
#5 Raul El Pollito Muy Rápido (Ralph the Very Quick Chick)
by Claudia Harrington
#6 Pedro El Loro Muy Hablador (Book 6: Pete the Very Chatty Parrot)
by Claudia Harrington
#8 Otis El Perro Muy Asustado (Book 8: Otis the Very Scared Dog)
by Claudia Harrington