Latino American Civil Rights

by Thomas Arkham

Published 1 September 2012
Americans with darker skin colors have often faced discrimination in the United States. Hispanic Americans, like other minority groups, have had to fight to be treated fairly. Today, there are millions of Hispanics in the country, spread across every state of the nation. They are the fastest growing minority...Read more

Both Puerto Rican and American

by Thomas Arkham

Published 1 September 2012
Abraham Rodriquez speaks for many Puerto Ricans when he writes, "Of course I'm Puerto Rican. I am also American. I'm both." Puerto Rican Americans have created a rich culture that spans two places and two identities. Many travel back and forth between the island of Puerto Rico and the...Read more

Latinos Today

by Thomas Arkham

Published 1 September 2012
Did you know that José is the most popular name for baby boys in both California and Texas? Or that tacos are nearly as popular as hamburgers? More and more, the tastes and flavors of Hispanic culture play a role in American life. According to the U.S. Census Bureau,...Read more

Latino Americans and Their Jobs

by Thomas Arkham

Published 1 September 2012
In the United States, people of all different backgrounds live together. Today, more than one in eight people in the United States are Hispanic, and Latino communities are an important part America. Hispanic Americans are people from different lands, cultures, and backgrounds. Many come to the United States looking...Read more