The Spanish gift of combining tradition and modernity so effortlessly is encompassed by Madrid. From experiencing the legendary Madrileno nightlife to visiting the remote mountain villages within easy reach, Central Spain has something to offer all travellers. FootprintFocus provides invaluable information on transport, accommodation, eating and entertainment to ensure that your trip includes the best of this vivacious region of Spain.

* Essentials section with useful advice on getting to and around Madrid.
* Comprehensive, up-to-date listings of where to eat, sleep and play.
* Includes information on tour operators and activities, from dancing in flamenco clubs to visiting monolithic monasteries.
* Detailed maps for central Spain's key destinations.
* Slim enough to fit in your pocket.

With detailed information on all the main sights, plus many lesser-known attractions, FootprintFocus Madrid & Central Spain provides concise and comprehensive coverage of one of Spain's most dynamic regions.

The content of the Footprintfocus Madrid & Central Spain guide has been extracted from Footprint's Spain Guide.

Footprintfocus Sicily: Catania and Southeast is the only dedicated guide available covering this popular Italian destination. Features an Essentials section with practical tips to help plan a trip, detailed information on attractions and comprehensive listings of where to eat, sleep and have fun.

* Essentials section with tips on getting there and around
* Up-to-date recommendations of great places to stay and eat
* Highlights map of the region plus detailed street maps where relevant
* Slim enough to fit in a pocket

Loaded with advice and information on how to get around, this concise Footprintfocus guide will help travellers get the most out of Catania and Southeast region of Sicily without weighing them down. The content of the Footprintfocus Sicily: Catania and Southeast guide has been extracted from Footprint's Sicily guide.

Valencia & Murcia have it all: gorgeous beaches, stylish cities and pretty, low-key towns. From the sun-drenched beaches of Valencia to Murcia's delightful, flower-filled squares, Valencia & Murcia are great provinces from which to enjoy the Mediterranean coastline as well as indulge in authentic Spanish traditions. FootprintFocus provides invaluable information on transport, accommodation, eating and entertainment to ensure that your trip includes the best of this fascinating region of Spain.

* Essentials section with useful advice on getting to and around the provinces of Valencia & Murcia.
* Comprehensive, up-to-date listings of where to eat, sleep and play.
* Includes information on tour operators and activities, from sampling great tapas to attending traditional fiestas.
* Detailed maps for the provinces of Valencia & Murcia.
* Slim enough to fit in your pocket.

With detailed information on all the main sights, plus many lesser-known attractions, FootprintFocus Valencia & Murcia provides concise and comprehensive coverage of one of Spain's most popular regions.

Catalunya is fiercely independent, and packs a lot into a small space. From sampling a crisp, sparkling bottle of cava to exploring magnificent national parks, Catalunya will not fail to entertain. FootprintFocus provides invaluable information on transport, accommodation, eating and entertainment to ensure that your trip includes the best of this flamboyant region of Spain.

* Essentials section with useful advice on getting to and around Catalunya.
* Comprehensive, up-to-date listings of where to eat, sleep and play.
* Includes information on tour operators and activities, from finding the best nightlife to the top places for winter sports.
* Detailed maps for Catalunya's key destinations.
* Slim enough to fit in your pocket.

With detailed information on all the main sights, plus many lesser-known attractions, FootprintFocus Catalunya provides concise and comprehensive coverage of one of Spain's most fun-loving regions.

The content of the Footprintfocus Catalunya guide has been extracted from Footprint's Spain Guide.