Book 1

Tariq Ali tells us the story of the aftermath of the fall of Granada by narrating a family sage of those who tried to survive after the collapse of their world. Ali is particularly deft at evoking what life must have been like for those doomed inhabitants, besieged on all sides by intolerant Christendom. “This is a novel that have something to say, and says it well.” —The Guardian

Book 2

The Book of Saladin

by Tariq Ali

Published 17 October 1998
Tariq Ali's latest novel is a chronicle set in twelfth-century Cairo, Damascus and Jerusalem. The Book of Saladin is the fictional memoir of Saladin, the Kurdish liberator of Jerusalem, as dictated to a Jewish scribe, Ibn Yakub. Saladin grants Ibn Yakub permission to talk to his wife and retainers so that he might present a full portrait in the Sultan's memoirs. A series of interconnected stories follows, tales brimming over with warmth, earthy humour and passions in which ideals clash with realities and dreams are confounded by desires. At the heart of the novel is an affecting love affair between the Sultan's favoured wife, Jamila, and the beautiful Halima, a later addition to the harem. The novel charts the rise of Saladin as Sultan of Egypt and Syria and follows him as he prepares, in alliance with his Jewish and Christian subjects, to take Jerusalem back from the Crusaders.

Book 3

The Stone Woman

by Tariq Ali

Published 17 August 2000
It is 1899 and the last great Islamic empire is in serious trouble. This story of masters and servants, school-teachers and painters, is marked by jealousies, vendettas and, with the decay of the Ottoman Empire, a new generation which is deeply hostile to the half-truths of the golden days.

Book 4

A Sultan in Palermo

by Tariq Ali

Published 15 October 2013

Book 5

Night of the Golden Butterfly

by Tariq Ali

Published 15 October 2013

The Islam Quintet

by Tariq Ali

Published 14 January 2014