Book 1

The Call of the Sword

by Roger Taylor

Published 4 May 1995
The castle of Anderras Darion has stood abandoned and majestic for as long as anyone can remember. Then, from out of the mountains, comes the healer, Hawklan - a man with no memory of the past - to take possession of the keep with his sole companion, Gavor. Across the country, the great fortress of Narsindalvak is a constant reminder of the victory won by the hero Ethriss in alliance with the three realms of Orthlund, Riddin and Fyorlund against the Dark Lord, Sumeral, hundreds of years before. But Rgoric, the ailing king of Fyorlund and protector of the peace, has fallen under the malign influence of the Lord Dan-Tor, and from the bleakness of Narsindal come ugly rumours. It is whispered that Mandrocs are abroad again and that the Dark Lord himself is stirring. And in the remote fastness of Anderras Darion, Hawklan feels deep within himself the echoes of an ancient power and the unknown, yet strangely familiar, call to arms...

Book 2

The Fall of Fyorlund

by Roger Taylor

Published 31 January 1996
Book Two of the Chronicles of Hawklan. The darkness of ancient times is spreading over the land of Fyorlund and tainting even the Great Harmony of Orthlund. The ailing King Rgoric has imprisoned the much-loved and respected Lords Eldric, Arinndier, Darek and Hreldar; he has suspended the ancient ruling council of the Geadrol; he has formed his own High Guard, filling its ranks with violent unruly men; and Mandrocs have been seen even in Orthlund. At the centre of this corruption is the King's advisor, the evil Lord Dan-Tor, who is determined to destroy the peace won by Ethriss and the Guardians eons ago, and surrender the land to his Dark Lord, Sumeral. The people look to Hawklan to make a stand against Dan-Tor. But is he a healer or a soldier? Deep within himself, Hawklan has felt an ancient power, and when threatened has been seen to fight like a warrior out of legend. Hawklan knows he must confront Dan-Tor before the land falls forever to the encroaching, eternal night...

Book 3

The Waking of Orthlund

by Roger Taylor

Published 1 December 1989

Book 4

Into Narsindal

by Roger Taylor

Published 5 April 1995
Book Four of the Chronicles of Hawklan. Fyorlund has fallen. The City of Vakloss has felt the terrifying Power that lies behind the evil Lord Dan-Tor and King Rgoric lies dead, murdered by Dan-Tor who is now master of Fyorlund and ready to unleash the Dark Lord Sumeral's dread power over all the lands. Yet Dan-Tor has been grievously wounded by Hawklan's arrow, and, against impossible odds, not all hope has been swallowed by the Darkness. Sylvriss, Rgoric's Queen, has escaped the blighted City to rally the Lords in Exile. In peaceful Orthlund the arts of war are painfully relearned. In the East, ancient foes of Sumeral are at last remembering their vows. All look to the healer Hawklan for leadership. But he has lain in a coma since his confrontation with Dan-Tor, walking in a world from which none can call him back. And in the mountains an ancient race stirs, but its allegiance is as yet unknown...

Book 5

The Return of the Sword

by Roger Taylor

Published 5 August 1999
Book final book of the Chronicles of Hawklan. The dark lord Sumeral is dead -- His mortal body destroyed and His will scattered some sixteen or so years ago. Now, travellers sent to learn more of the world beyond Orthlund, Fyorlund and Riddin are returning. They bring with them people in need of help and with disturbing tales to tell -- Antyr, the Dream Finder; Farnor, to whom the great forest can speak; Vredech, the once preaching brother; Pinnatte, victim of a fearful experiment by the Kyrosdyn; and Thyrn, the Caddoran. Their disparate stories come together to yield a terrifying revelation -- somewhere, Sumeral is whole again and struggling to return. But other, even darker threads are being drawn together. Andawyr and the Cadwanol, in their relentless search for truth, have touched on a threat to their world more terrible than Sumeral. More terrible by far...