
by Catherine Barr

Published 7 October 2019
There are way more than billions of galaxies in space and just trying to imagine the far corners of the universe is an incomprehensible feat for the human brain! This handy pocket-sized book manages to squeeze in a huge amount of intergalactic information, with details of rockets, planets, black holes, space stations, shooting stars and famous astronauts. With amazing photographs and lots of facts and figures, this is a perfect starter guide to the wonders of space.

Eco Warrior

by Catherine Barr

Published 5 October 2020
All life on Earth relies on the natural world to survive. We depend on nature for our health, food and most of our medicines. We depend on healthy ecosystems and natural resources for our homes and modern lives. But humans have become greedy and are taking too much from the Earth, this is unsustainable.

This book offers concerned young people everything they need for becoming effective eco warriors. From exploring the big issues to discovering amazing and inspiring individuals and campaigns, each chapter shows how making tiny changes can start to make a big difference.