Book 2


by Lyn Cote

Published 1 September 2005
A woman coming of age during World War II becomes involved in anti-Nazi espionage--Provided by publisher.


by Lyn Cote

Published 1 January 2006
A young woman pursues her dreams of being a journalist, immersing herself in the rights movement and antiwar protests over Vietnam--Provided by publisher.


by Lyn Cote

Published 3 June 2005
The first book in the Women of Ivy Manor series, about four generations of women, begins with Chloe, the daughter of a politician who comes of age in 1920s Washington D.C.--Provided by the publisher.


by Lyn Cote

Published 11 April 2006
Carly Lorraine Sinclair grows up in the home of her fiercely strong mother, Leigh. Naturally timid, Carly finds that constantly trying to please Leigh by hiding her own fears only increases her insecurities. In a bold attempt to face them head-on, she joins the army. Through the military Carly confronts her self doubt, realising when sent to Kuwait as part of Operation Desert Storm that facing fears is crucial to survival. After she is wounded, she returns to Ivy Manor and the nursing care of three generations of women who have faced their own wars - personal or otherwise. Carly must determine whether she can cope with her new physical needs and find peaceā€¦and finally, love.