Introducing Genetics

by Steve Jones

Published 1 April 2000
Genetics is the newest of all sciences - nothing useful was known about inheritance until just over a century ago. Now genetics is exploding, and before long we will have the complete code, written in three thousand million letters of DNA, of what makes a human being.

Introducing Genetics takes us from the early work of Mendel to the discovery of DNA, the human gene map and the treatment of inborn disease. No one can afford to be ignorant of genetics. This book is the perfect introduction.

Using comic-book style illustration combined with accessible but authoritative text, the Introducing Graphic Guide series is a uniquely brilliant way to get your head around some of humankind's most thrilling ideas.

In 1859, Charles Darwin shocked the world with a radical theory - evolution by natural selection. One hundred and fifty years later, his theory still challenges some of our most precious beliefs. Introducing Evolution: A Graphic Guide, on 'Darwin's dangerous idea', takes a fresh look at the often misunderstood concepts of natural selection and the selfish gene.

Introducing Darwin: A Graphic Guide the difficult progress from pre-Darwinian thinking to modern genetics, and the devastatingly important impact of one man on our fundamental understanding of biology, life and ourselves.

Introducing Genetics: A Graphic Guide takes readers on a journey through this new science to the discovery of DNA and the heart of the human gene map. In everyday life, many of us increasingly have to make moral decisions where genetics plays a part. This Graphic Guide gives us the information to do so.