Franz Peter Schubert

by Wendy Thompson

Published 19 August 1991
Among the torch-bearers in the funeral pocession of Ludwig van Beethoven was a small, stocky young man of thirty, with curly dark hair and spectacles. For Franz Schubert, carrying the torch was simply an act of private and public homage; but we can now see that it had a far deeper significance. The torch of Beethoven's genius had been passed on to Schubert - the last great Viennese composer of the late 18th century. This illustrated biography of Schubert's brief, but astonishing, career is set against the colourful background of Metternich's Vienna. Music extracts include some of his most memorable melodies, among them the "Unfinished Symphony", "Rosamunde", the C Major Quintet and songs such as "Heindenroslein".

Joseph Haydn

by Wendy Thompson

Published 19 August 1991
Part of a series of picture books for readers aged twelve and upwards illustrating the lives and times of the world's greatest composers. This book looks at the life and work of Haydn, a life that spanned a period of great political and social, as well as musical change: born when both Bach and Handel were at the height of their fame, he outlived his friend Mozart by 18 years, having seen his greatest pupil Beethoven well-established in his own career. But neither Mozart nor Beethoven could have created their masterpieces - symphonies, string quartets, sonatas - without the example of Haydn. This illustrated biography brings the world of the 18th century vividly to life, and includes extracts from some of Haydn's best-loved works in simple keyboard arrangements.

Ludwig Van Beethoven

by Wendy Thompson

Published 1 October 1990
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770. Just over two decades later, the whole of Europe watched, horrifed, as first the King, then the Queen of France went to the guillotine. The Age of Revolution had arrived. Beethoven's music reflects the violence, passion, struggle and upheaval, as well as the quest for personal and spiritual fulfilment, of those times. By placing Beethoven within his historical and social context this new biography recreates the life of this passionate, controversial genius in words, pictures and music. The relaxed, conversational writing style will appeal to readers from ten upwards. The book includes extracts from some of Beethoven's most famous works (such as the 3rd, 5th and 9th symphonies, the "Emperor" piano concerto and the "Moonlight" sonata), in simple keyboard arrangements.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

by Wendy Thompson

Published 1 October 1990
"Composer's World" is a new series of picture books for readers aged ten upwards, illustrating the lives and times of the world's greatest composers. It examines each composer's life and work within the context of the external factors which influenced his career. Almost 200 years ago Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died in poverty at the age of 35. Born into a Europe dominated by the aristocracy, where composers relied on private patronage to earn their living, Mozart had attempted to break free from the shackles of servitude and become one of the first genuine "freelance" musicians. Though doomed to failure, he nevertheless left us a monumental legacy of over 600 masterpieces. Mozart lived and worked in some of Europe's most beautiful cities, and this illustrated biography brings his world to life. Musical extracts from some of Mozart's best-loved works - in simple keyboard arrangements - are also included.