People mean business and most professionals know how important it is to get on well with others.

Sometimes it's difficult to find the time or opportunity to develop soft skills, particularly when there is pressure to get jobs done. For those who don't realise it, the value of networking or relationship building should not be underestimated. This is particularly so when the economic climate is harsh and work is harder to come by. Getting on, moving up - however you define success - is often made easier with a little bit of help from your friends.

Whether you work in a large or small organisation, have just landed your first job or have years of experience behind you, developing strong professional relationships will help you personally to progress and your company to flourish. Everyone can acquire the skill of networking and building rapport with others but it does require practice and a degree of curiosity. This book aims to inspire experienced networkers, who have many good contacts, to try new approaches or refresh their methods. If you are newly qualified and starting out on your career it will help you make the most of the many opportunities to build good relationships as you meet people in the course of your work.

What have you got to lose? Give it a try - you may enjoy the experience.

An opportunity to impress, Communication is easy isn't it? Well it may seem so, but consider honestly when was the last time you were involved in a breakdown of communications? And how long ago was one such a veritable derailment? For most people and in most organisations this happens regularly.

It matters. Communication - effective communication - makes thing happen. There can be a great deal hanging on it. Whether the communication concerned is a simple email, a contribution to a meeting, a report or a presentation, it can prompt agreement or action; it can seal a good deal, drive a hard bargain and enhance your profile and boost your reputation as it does so. Or not: for instance making a poor presentation may do real damage and allow no second chances, and an ill-considered report may come back to haunt you in months to come.

This book is the antidote to communications difficulty. It sets out proven, practical guidelines to ensure you can prepare (and prepare quickly) and deliver messages in a clear, succinct, precise, descriptive, informative, and impressive way - and that they are effective. That is, they achieve your purpose with others, however technical, complex or difficult the topics they may involve.

Take no risks. Guarantee communications success and enhance your profile as you do so.