Going Offshore

by Leo Gough

Published October 1995
A comprehensive guide to the tax havens of the world from Bermuda to the Channel Islands and provides vital information and international tactics for the serious investor.

Author :

Leo Gough is a financial journalist and author.

The Financial Times Guide to How the Stock Market Really Works is an introduction to the complex world of the financial markets. Whether you are new to investing, or already have a share portfolio, this is an intelligent guidebook will guide you safely through the often confusing world of investing. Written especially for the ordinary investor, it will provide you with the key strategies you need to make money on the stock market.

25 Investment Classics

by Leo Gough

Published 19 October 1998
There are certain books that have earned a place in investment history: old masters and modern classics that have made the greatest contributions to the world's store of investment know-how. 25 Investment Classics brings together, in one volume, and invaluable guide to the best investment writing of all time. It defines and introduces these classic texts that have shaped, and continue to shape, the foundation of investment wisdom.

'One of the best books on stock market investing that I've ever read.'

Christopher Gilchrist, Editor, The IRS Report

'Lucid and perceptive any intelligent person can follow this guide and be on equal terms or better with the best professional money managers'

Dr Peter Johnson, Said Business School, Oxford University

Is your investment strategy right for you? Could you be making more money?

The Financial Times Guide to Selecting Shares that Perform helps you identify the approach to buying and selling shares that will work best for you. It will help you to align your strategy based on the time and money you have available, your overall objectives and your attitudes to risk and loss.

In this thoroughly updated fourth edition of their best-selling investment classic, Richard Koch and Leo Gough explain ten distinctive and proven investment techniques for you to choose from. They describe the different tactics needed for today's bear market conditions and show you how it can be fun and profitable to try to beat the stock market.

The Financial Times Guide to Selecting Shares that Perform gives you:

  • Convincing reasons why you should manage your own share portfolio

  • A quiz which helps you identify what kind of investor you are, and what strategy is right for you

  • Ten proven approaches to selecting successful shares

  • Examples and explanations of successes and failures

With most things we buy, from a house or car to lunch, we make an effort to make choices that will suit our lifestyle, personality, budget and needs. So why should stocks and shares be any different?

Originally published as Selecting Shares that Perform, the book shows you how to find an investment method that works for you, stick to it, and increase your chances of making serious money on the stock market.

Whether you are new to investing, or already a sophisticated investor, The Financial Times Guide to Selecting Shares that Perform makes playing the stock market not only more profitable, but also more fun.

Con Men, The

by Leo Gough

Published 1 August 2013

Financial fraud, whether large or small is a persistent feature of the financial markets. If you scratch the surface of the investment world you’ll find a continuous stream of major financial scandals which are almost unbelievable in the sheer scale of their subterfuge. 


The Con Men shines a spotlight on some of these gargantuan frauds from the last 25 years. It questions how these men did it, why they did it, how there were able to get away with it, proposes strategies and tactics so that the reader can avoid being swindled.

This guide to the stock market discloses what goes on and who gets rich, provides an overview of money markets and how they work, discusses investment theories and strategies, and uncovers stories of the big investment scandals.

The Con Men PDF eBook

by Leo Gough

Published 3 October 2013