The Amish

by Jean Kinney Williams

Published 1 September 1996
Includes a history of the Amish, their general doctrines, practices, social structure, place in American society, changes in beliefs, and issues facing them in modern society.

Provides a history of Christian Scientists, covering their doctrines and practices, organization, place in American society, and changes in beliefs, as well as discussing the work of Mary Baker Eddy.

The Shakers

by Jean Kinney Williams

Published 1 September 1997
Examines the history, beliefs, way of life, and current status of this humble and devout Christian group.

The Mormons

by Jean Kinney Williams

Published 1 September 1996
Includes a history of the Mormon Church, its general doctrines, practices, social structure, place in American society, changes in beliefs, and conflicts with American society.

The Quakers

by Jean Kinney Williams

Published 1 September 1998
Examines the history, notable individuals, beliefs, way of life, and current status of this longstanding Christian group.