Complex Numbers

by W. Bolton

Published 14 November 1994
This book examines the fundamentals of complex numbers and complex number algebra. It then explains the use of complex numbers to represent phases in AC theory and the significance of their occurrence in the poles and zeros of transfer functions.

Laplace and z-Transforms

by W. Bolton

Published 27 December 1993
This book is concerned with Laplace and z-transforms and their application in, primarily, electrical/electronic and control engineering.

This book is concerned with the principles of differentiation and integration. The principles are then applied to solve engineering problems. A familiarity with basic algebra and a basic knowledge of common functions, such as polynomials, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and hyperbolic is assumed but reference material on these is included in an appendix.

This book is concerned with linear equations and matrices, with emphasis on the solution of simultaneous linear equations. The solution of simultaneous linear equations is applied to electric circuit analysis and structural analysis.

Fourier Series

by W. Bolton

Published 21 November 1994
This book examines the principles of Fourier Series and gives a brief introduction to the Fourier transform. These principles are then applied to the study of electrical circuits and waveforms. A familiarity with basic calculating is assumed.

This book examines ordinary differential equations and the application in, primarily, the study of mechanical oscillations and transients in electrical circuits.