
by R.M. Youngson

Published 29 June 1989


by R.M. Youngson

Published 28 February 1991
A million patients are on the UK waiting lists for surgery. Many of them will wait in trepidation knowing little of what their operation will involve. This book is intended to dispel some of the fears of hospitals and to explain in detail the entire hospital procedure from initial diagnosis to post-operative recovery. Written by a doctor who came late to medicine, the book provides an account of life on the ward. Four case histories are dramatized, and in each one all aspects of the operation are explained so that the patient knows what to expect. Practical advice is offered on subjects from anaesthetics to pain relief after surgery. A successful operation and recovery depend on positive participation by the patient. The author's aim is to help the reader to understand and play that role, preserving dignity and a sense of personal identity in the unfamiliar environment of the hospital ward.


by R.M. Youngson

Published May 1988