Courage in Dark Places

by Jan Greenough

Published 1 January 2002
Unsung Heroes: With the outbreak of war, Japan invaded China, and Chefoo School was soon closed, with staff and missionary kids transferred from one camp to another. Doggedly the staff kept the children safe and healthy, and continued lessons despite acute shortages. The children saw death at first hand - including the demise of their friend, athlete Eric Liddell - but the faith they learned from their teachers, the unsung heroes, pulled them through. The Day the Earth Shook: September 21st, 1999: the day the big one - 7.6 on the Richter scale - hit Taiwan. 2,000 died, and 100,000 were left homeless. Taiwan, a highly materialistic society, was suddenly full of people owning nothing but debts. Death is a curse to the Taiwanese, but as OMF workers in Taiwan offered help and care, their actions spoke louder than any sermon. In one village the team found people more open to the work of the Spirit than they had been for a generation. No longer trusting in high-tech gadgets, the Taiwanese are reassessing their lives. Dreaming Dreams: A dream, handed down over generations among the Tawbuid of Mindoro, concerned white strangers who would come with good teaching, speaking their language.
In the last few years New Testaments in the two main Tawbuild languages have been published, and the tribal churches have developed programmes to educate their young people to college level without destroying their traditional way of life

Prayer in Hard Places

by Jan Greenough

Published 1 January 2002
Three stories of fruitful prayer from Asia's mission fields, focusing on James Fraser's pioneering work among China's Lisu people, Paul and Naomi Pruitt's outreach to Asians in Oxford, and the lessons learned by the Mangyan people of Mindoro, the Philippines, after tragedy struck.

Faith in Tough Places

by Jan Greenough

Published 1 January 2002
Three stories of faith in action from Asia's mission fields, focusing on the capture of the Bosshardts by the Communist Red Army - a story with a happy ending 40 years on, a couple who questioned what they were doing in Java, and a tragedy in Central Thailand which was not in vain.