Falling for Jack

by Trisha David

Published 8 May 1998

When Bryony met Jack...and Maddy

Jack Morgan had tried for three months to win the loving trust of his small daughter, Maddy-he hadn't seen her since she was a baby. The only crack in resistance was her love for Jack's champion collie. But when a small schnauzer hurtled into the showring on the collie's big day, Maddy became distraught.

Bryony Lester had been so busy falling for Jack that she hadn't kept an eye on her dog. She had to make amends somehow. Fortunately Jack and Maddy were prime candidates for Bryony's boundless affection-and how could Jack resist the only woman who could make Maddy smile...?


Who says bachelors and babies don't mix?

Marrying William

by Trisha David

Published 1 March 1999

Mcallister's Baby

by Trisha David

Published 14 February 1997

Marriage For Maggie

by Trisha David and Daphne Clair

Published 1 November 1999
All Maggie Cray wants is a quiet life on her own private island. After an unhappy marriage, independence and freedom is what she craves. And that's what she has until Devlin and his small son literally crash-landed into her haven.

McTavish and Twins

by Trisha David

Published 12 September 1997


She was surely just a gold digger?

Why else would Erin O'Connell come back to Australia to live with her grandfather? Mike McTavish was convinced she was only out for what she could get-but when he saw Erin handle his orphaned twin niece and nephew so tenderly, he began to doubt his own conclusions, particularly when he compared Erin with his fiancee, Caroline.

Mike wasn't so sure Caroline really cared for the children, who definitely didn't care for her. But having committed himself to the engagement, how could he back out honorably? Even if not to do so would mean heartache for himself, Erin and the children....

From the author of McAllister's Baby

Where kids and kisses go hand in hand

Bride 2000

by Trisha David

Published 1 October 1999

Borrowed-One Bride

by Trisha David and Daphne Clair

Published 1 December 1997