When Gwen and Jill open a lemonade stand, something strange happens to their lemonade every time their dog Fletcher disappears.

It's Gwen and Jill to the rescue when someone tries to sabotage Fletcher the basset hound's mission in space.

Gwen and Jill determine to win the weekly sandcastle contest on the beach but something always seems to go wrong.

Two amateur detectives investigate a haunting of their school that starts around Halloween.

While visiting her uncle's ranch in New Mexico, Gwen follows her dog Fletcher at night to find out about the disappearance of a thoroughbred horse.

Jill and Gwen have never gotten into trouble before, but suddenly every time they're in the cafeteria, something goes terribly wrong.

Gwen must try to figure out who wants to prevent her from completing the scary movie she and Jill are making during summer vacation.