by Colin Bentley

Published 17 April 1997
PRINCE (Projects in Controlled Environments) is the standard project management method for government IT departments, approved by the CCTA. Powerful and flexible, it is increasingly being used by private and public sector companies. SSADM (Structered System Analysis Design Methodology) is the set of application development procedures and techniques approved by the CCTA, so it is certain that PRINCE and SSADM work well together. This text is aimed at readers who want to learn about the PRINCE Version 2 method, intend to implement it, are the clients of a contractor who will use, it or will participate in a project being managed by it. This second edition covers all the changes to the PRINCE methodology in Version 2, relates the five PRINCE components to the practical issues of setting up and running a project, and provides a clear picture of how using PRINCE provides a business-like start to a project, ensuring its viability and the effective use of resources before large scale expenditure has taken place.
The book covers the main management concerns about a project - project initiation, controlling products, quality, changes and project closure; and concludes with a description of the normal products of an IT project, sample forms which can be used in the various PRINCE components, and role descriptions to fit all the defined roles.


by Colin Bentley and Bernadette Rudman

Published 1 March 1995
The Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) is the first choice of many of the major application software development groups in the UK. This book sets out to cover Version 4 of SSADM fully. It looks at the various techniques, and how these interface with project management under PRINCE, the project management methodology. A complete case study to illustrate SSADM techniques is included, and the book shows how to combine both SSADM and PRINCE without losing the power of either.