Moira's Birthday

by Robert Munsch

Published 16 May 1985
Moira invites grades 1 to 6 to her party. But her parents don’t know—until …

Mud Puddle

by Robert Munsch

Published 21 May 1981
A brand-new look for a classic story. First published in 1979, this was the first of Robert Munsch's oral stories to be turned into a book. Since then, it has made countless children (and adults) all around the world laugh out loud. When Jule Ann goes outside, a mud puddle jumps on her and gets her dirty all over. No sooner does her mother scrub her clean than she ventures out again, only to be pounced upon by the pesky mud puddle. The cycle continues until finally Jule Ann gets the better of the mud puddle with cheerful ingenuity and two bars of smelly yellow soap. Lively, clever artwork by award-winning illustrator Dusan Petricic gives this bestselling picture book a fresh and energetic look that will charm a new generation of young readers.

The Paper Bag Princess

by Robert Munsch

Published 1 May 1980
This bestselling modern classic features a princess who rescues a very snooty and ungrateful prince.

I Have to Go!

by Robert Munsch

Published 15 May 1986
The ever-popular story of a little boy in the throes of toilet training.

Show and Tell

by Robert Munsch

Published 16 May 1991
Ben wreaks havoc at school when he decides to bring his baby sister for show and tell.

Brigid really loves markers. But when she draws on herself with super-permanent ink, she knows that spells trouble.

"Last stop! Everybody out!" Jonathan is trying not to make a mess, but someone has put a subway station in his apartment. So Jonathan goes to City Hall to fix the computer.

A newly designed Classic Munsch picture book introduces this hilarious tale about problem solving to a new generation of young readers.

When Allashua disobeys her parents and goes fishing on the sea ice, she has to use her wits to escape and to further trick the Qallupilluit when she promises to bring her brothers and sisters back to them.

The ultimate Munsch contains all three volumes of the first Munschworks collections. Produced in an extra-large picture-book format, it is perfect for sharing. Includes a table of contents for easy reference. Featuring 15 popular Robert Munsch stories: * The Paper Bag Princess * The Fire Station * I Have to Go! * David's Father * Thomas' Snowsuit * Pigs * Mortimer * Purple, Green and Yellow * Murmel, Murmel, Murmel * Something Good * Stephanie's Ponytail * Angela's Airplane * onathan Cleaned Up--Then He Heard a Sound * Show and Tell * A Promise is a Promise (with Michael Kusugak, illustrated by Vladyana Langer Krykorka)

The Boy in Drawer

by Robert Munsch

Published 15 May 1986
Shelley finds a small boy in her drawer who causes a lot of trouble. Robert Munsch's award-winning books have become a staple on the bookshelves of families worldwide. His stories reflect the joys and challenges of everyday living, offering zany, yet utterly normal, experiences of family life. Munsch has sold over 40 million books in 20 countries and many languages, including French, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese. Beginning with Mud Puddle in 1979, Munsch continued captivating children and adults with stories like Thomas's Snowsuit, David's Father, I Have to Go!, and the classic Love You Forever.

Wait and See

by Robert Munsch

Published 1 May 1993
It is Olivia's birthday, and when she blows out the candles on her cake and makes a wish she gets exactly what she wanted! But the rest of her family can only wait and see what it is she has wished for and the chaos that ensues...First, snow in the summertime. Then, rain - but so much rain the house is flooded. Then, money - so much money that a truck has to deliver it. And finally a new baby - which turns out to be three new babies. Olivia is one of Munsch's great little heroines, in the mould of the Paperbag Princess. Children will easily identify with her and the trouble she unwittingly creates.

Thomas' Snowsuit

by Robert Munsch

Published 1 June 1985
None of the kids in her class wear a ponytail, so Stephanie decides she must have one. The loud, unanimous comment from her classmates is: "Ugly, ugly, very ugly." Steadfast, when all the girls have copied her ponytail, she resolves to try a new style. With true Munsch flair, each of Stephanie's ponytails is more outrageous than the last, while the cast of copycats grows and grows.

The Dark

by Robert Munsch

Published 15 May 1986
Jule Ann pounds on the bottom of a cookie jar, and a small dark lump bounces out. The Dark quickly gobbles up every shadow in sight, growing bigger with each one. Munsch's plucky heroine resolves the perplexing problem with brilliant, spirited logic.

Stephanie's Ponytail

by Robert Munsch

Published 15 June 1989
Thomas refuses to wear his new snowsuit despite the pleas of his mother, his teacher, and even his principal. When everyone's best efforts lead only to comedic chaos, they all agree it's best to let Thomas suit himself.