Touch, Taste and Smell

by Steve Parker

Published 1 February 1991
Examines the three senses of touch, taste, and smell, and the bodily processes contributing to them.

The Eye and Seeing

by Steve Parker

Published 1 October 1989
Examines the anatomy of the eye and explains how the eyes and the brain work together to record visual messages. Also discusses vision defects, how to protect the eyes, and color blindness.

The Heart and Blood

by Steve Parker

Published October 1989
Discusses the heart, arteries, veins, blood, and other parts of the body's circulatory system and the causes and prevention of coronary heart disease.

Food and Digestion

by Steve Parker

Published 1 March 1999
An introduction to the digestive system, discussing each stage of digestion, the organs which aid in the digestive process, and the assimilation of nutrients into the body's structure.

The Ear and Hearing

by Steve Parker

Published 1 December 1989
Examines the anatomy of the ear, how the ear receives sounds and transfers them to the brain, how to protect our hearing, and current developments in hearing aids and surgery.