Honor in the Dust

by Gilbert Morris

Published 25 August 2009
The grandfather of Christian fiction returns with the story of what happened to the winslow family during an earlier era when the Tudors reigned—tracing the doomed rise of Stuart Winslow within the salacious court of King Henry VIII.

The determined Stuart Winslow will go to any lengths to lift himself and his widowed mother out of poverty. After a distant relative manages to secure a place for Stuart in the court of King Henry VIII, Stuart quickly learns that the court is really a wicked cauldron of vices, power plays, and temptation. As Stuart rises at court, he is asked to find and deliver for execution an enemy of the king—William Tyndale, an acquaintance of Stuart’s whose sole ambition is to translate the Bible into the language of the common man. Does Stuart fall prey to his dangerous ambition and accept the assignment? Or is he willing to face death at the stake for the sake of Christ?

In Honor in the Dust, bestselling author Gilbert Morris captures the tone of the Tudor period beautifully, chronicling the period’s excesses with skill and prudence. But like Morris’s other novels, it also contrasts those excesses with the godly behavior of real-life characters like William Tyndale. In this captivating historical drama, Stuart Winslow is caught between two worlds: one that promises material and worldly success, and one that promises salvation. Is his faith strong enough to withstand such a challenge?

As the Sparks Fly Upward

by Gilbert Morris

Published 8 November 2011
The trilogy The Winslow Breed serves as a prequel to the author’s highly successful House of Winslow series. As the Sparks Fly Upward is the final book in the trilogy.

Young Colin Winslow grows up feeling altogether different from the rest of his family. Not bold and rough like his charismatic brother, Adam, or headstrong and spoiled like his sister, Adara, he is a gentle soul with a special love for natural things. His interest in animals, medicine, and healing brings him in contact with a strange woman who lives in the woods, Meg Caradoc. She teaches him the fine art of using a variety of herbs to quell sickness and pain.

When Colin studies at Oxford, an eccentric but brilliant professor, Dr. Phineas Teague, guides the young man to a career in medicine. The formal knowledge Professor Teague imparts, combined with knowledge of Meg's herbal remedies, make Colin an insightful and successful doctor—one with the approving eye of Queen Elizabeth on him. Colin’s skill quickly earns him many patients, some highly placed in the courts of both his queen and her sister Mary Queen of Scots. This once shy and uncertain young man finds himself in the midst of court intrigue and a key player in quelling assassination plots and passing vital information to the queen’s court. When Colin faces his most difficult case—curing the wounds his brave brother suffered in battle—he must confront his attraction to Adam’s wife, his unsteady faith in God, and his command of medicine: will he abandon his noble role and succumb to temptation, or will he take his place as the new hero of the Breed of Winslow?

When the Heavens Fall

by Gilbert Morris

Published 11 May 2010

Brandon Winslow would rather gamble and frequent taverns than attend church. So how does he find himself at the forefront of the resistance to Bloody Mary’s attempt to eliminate—at sword’s point, if need be—the Protestant faith?

During the reign of Mary I of England—"Bloody Mary"—young Brandon Winslow (son of Stuart, protagonist of Honor in the Dust, the first book in the Winslow Breed series) finds himself in dire straits. After being flogged and then drummed out of the military for seducing the wife of his commanding officer, he sinks into a life of gambling and petty fraud along with Lupa, the fair gypsy woman who nursed him back to health.

After Mary weds Prince Philip of Spain, she begins to work in earnest to establish Catholicism as the only faith in England—and to execute Protestants. When Brandon sees several people burned at the stake in London for their faith, the experience changes him: Even though he has been only a nominal member of the Church of England, he finds himself compelled to stop those responsible for these outrages—and to do so before his uncle Quentin, a pastor, is himself burned at the stake. Unfortunately, the only way to save Quentin and so many others is to make Princess Elizabeth (who is herself in danger of dying at Mary’s hand) queen. And that, of course, would be treason. Punishable by death.

But then, Brandon has always been a gambler . . .