Jimmy Novak, whose dad is a towboat worker, is really looking forward to spring vacation. Jimmy and his club, the "Rough, Tough, an Terrible" Thonkers, are going to convert the Novaks' garage into a clubhouse for an entire week. When Mrs. Novak tells Jimmy that his cousin David is going to be staying with them while his mother recovers from heart surgery, Jimmy sees his fun-filled vacation going down the drain. Unlike the Thonkers, who are known for their bravery, David is scared of practically everything, is fussy about what he eats, and wears cute, perfectly matched clothes.

Jimmy wants to have nothing to do with David, especially since the Thonkers are secretly planning a feat of daring that is sure to turn every boy in the third grade green with envy. Then something happens -something on the river-and Jimmy begins to realize that courage takes many forms; even someone like David can be brave. One of the Third Grade Thonkers is the warm and exciting new novel by award-winning author Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.