
by John K. Walton

Published 18 March 1999

Chartism is an essential introduction to the movement, and examines the controversial debates surrounding the topic. As well as providing a concise period background, the author includes discussion of:
* the Chartists' economic, legislative and political goals
* patterns of regional and local support
* reasons for the Chartist decline
* the success of Chartism in the light of its goals and its influence over the Poor Law, Corn Laws, trade unions and factory reform
* the languages of Chartism - songs, gesture and propaganda.


by John K. Walton

Published 27 September 1990
Disraeli is a key figure for students of nineteenth-century Britain. He is indelibly identified with the unmaking of Peel's version of the Conservative Party, and with the re-creation of a durable and outstandingly successful new party which retained the loyalty of the squires and the shires while reaching out to newer forms of property ownership and cultivating the attachment of a significant proportion of the urban working class.

John K. Walton here examines the major aspects of Disraeli's career and his legacy, asking how far his actions and policies were governed by principles and how far by expediency. He also enquires how far Disraeli set his own agenda and how far he was a rider of currents out of his control. Finally, Walton takes a careful look at his political, institutional and ideological legacy.

The Second Reform Act

by John K. Walton

Published 16 April 1987
Assesses its significance in relation to earlier and subsequent reform legislation.