Half an Idea

by Bob Larbey

Published 1 November 1994
The Writer types 'Curtain', completing his first play: a rage against life... But when the script is enacted before his eyes it turns out to be a very funny piece. The hilarity must stop, the Writer commands, and so rewrites it as a funeral. But this, too, brought to life, becomes an hilarious comedy. The Writer vows he will re-cast!13 women, 9 men

Building Blocks

by Bob Larbey

Published 1 August 1994
Jim and Mary Baxter are in the middle of one of life's major traumas they are having an extension built on to their house. A great deal of their time is taken up with negotiating with the builder, the charming but evasive David.1 woman, 5 men

A Month of Sundays

by Bob Larbey

Published 1 October 2001
To the painful ritual of Sunday family visits and empty condescension, Cooper and his friend Aylott reply with humour and wit, aware that life can only be endured if treated as a comedy.3 women, 3 men

Small Affair

by Bob Larbey

Published 1 November 1994
The television drama department is short of performing space. Director Guy's drama is shunted into a small room and he is beset with problems. The cast come to loggerheads but after a 'calming' break return to find their space double-booked by would-be contestants on an idiotic panel show. When the Head of Drama drops into the rehearsal the drama turns into a farce...12 women, 5 men