Tsunamis and Floods

by Joanna Brundle

Published 30 December 2018

How tall is a tsunami wave
What is a wave train
How did floodwater carve the Antelope Canyon
Why is the Huang He river called China's Sorrow
Tsunamis and Floods reveals the fascinating facts and the answers to these and many other questions.

What causes hurricanes
Where in the world gets the most tornadoes
How fast are the winds in a tornado
What is the 'eye' of a hurricane
Hurricanes and Tornadoes reveals the fascinating answers behind these and many other questions.

Erosion and Sinkholes

by Joanna Brundle

Published 30 December 2018

Why do cliffs collapse
How do whole streets disappear into the ground
How slowly do glaciers move
What are the Moeraki Boulders and where did they come from

Erosion and Sinkhole reveals the fascinating facts and the answers to these and many other questions.

Volcanoes and Earthquakes

by Joanna Brundle

Published 30 December 2017

Rivers and Mountains

by Joanna Brundle

Published 4 May 2017
Where does the water in a river come from Why do mountains form together in large mountain ranges What types of animals live in rivers What kinds of rock can mountains be made of Rivers and Mountains reveals the fascinating answers behind these and many other questions.|Where does the water in a river come from Why do mountains form together in large mountain ranges What types of animals live in rivers What kinds of rock can mountains be made of Rivers and Mountains reveals the fascinating answers behind these and many other questions.

Famine and Drought

by Joanna Brundle

Published 30 December 2017

Heat Waves and Wildfires

by Joanna Brundle

Published 30 December 2018

Landslides and Avalanches

by Joanna Brundle

Published 28 December 2018
What do creeps slumps and submarines have in common What causes snow to become a deadly force How does the letter 'A' protect the village of Flateyri Landslides and Avalanches reveals the fascinating facts and the answers to these and many other questions.|What do creeps slumps and submarines have in common What causes snow to become a deadly force How does the letter 'A' protect the village of Flateyri Landslides and Avalanches reveals the fascinating facts and the answers to these and many other questions.