Book 80

The intention of the authors is to examine the relationship between piecewise linear structure and differential structure: a relationship, they assert, that can be understood as a homotopy obstruction theory, and, hence, can be studied by using the traditional techniques of algebraic topology. Thus the book attacks the problem of existence and classification (up to isotopy) of differential structures compatible with a given combinatorial structure on a manifold. The problem is completely "solved" in the sense that it is reduced to standard problems of algebraic topology. The first part of the book is purely geometrical; it proves that every smoothing of the product of a manifold M and an interval is derived from an essentially unique smoothing of M. In the second part this result is used to translate the classification of smoothings into the problem of putting a linear structure on the tangent microbundle of M. This in turn is converted to the homotopy problem of classifying maps from M into a certain space PL/O. The set of equivalence classes of smoothings on M is given a natural abelian group structure.

Book 108

Book 124

Book 139

Book 180

Convolution and Equidistribution explores an important aspect of number theory--the theory of exponential sums over finite fields and their Mellin transforms--from a new, categorical point of view. The book presents fundamentally important results and a plethora of examples, opening up new directions in the subject. The finite-field Mellin transform (of a function on the multiplicative group of a finite field) is defined by summing that function against variable multiplicative characters. The basic question considered in the book is how the values of the Mellin transform are distributed (in a probabilistic sense), in cases where the input function is suitably algebro-geometric. This question is answered by the book's main theorem, using a mixture of geometric, categorical, and group-theoretic methods. By providing a new framework for studying Mellin transforms over finite fields, this book opens up a new way for researchers to further explore the subject.

This work is a comprehensive treatment of recent developments in the study of elliptic curves and their moduli spaces. The arithmetic study of the moduli spaces began with Jacobi's "Fundamenta Nova" in 1829, and the modern theory was erected by Eichler-Shimura, Igusa, and Deligne-Rapoport. In the past decade mathematicians have made further substantial progress in the field. This book gives a complete account of that progress, including not only the work of the authors, but also that of Deligne and Drinfeld.

This book is concerned with two areas of mathematics, at first sight disjoint, and with some of the analogies and interactions between them. These areas are the theory of linear differential equations in one complex variable with polynomial coefficients, and the theory of one parameter families of exponential sums over finite fields. After reviewing some results from representation theory, the book discusses results about differential equations and their differential galois groups (G) and one-parameter families of exponential sums and their geometric monodromy groups (G). The final part of the book is devoted to comparison theorems relating G and G of suitably "corresponding" situations, which provide a systematic explanation of the remarkable "coincidences" found "by hand" in the hypergeometric case.