Pizza Anytime

by JoAnna M. Lund

Published 6 February 2007

Doctors and scientists agree that the right diet may help control and prevent heart disease. But how can you eat “heart smart” meals without giving up on taste? JoAnna Lund’s Healthy Exchanges system shows you how—by giving you commonsense ways to adapt the foods you like to eat. With...Read more

Healthy recipes for any kind of pressure cooker.

Whether they're cooked in an old-fashioned pressure cooker or a new, electronic, programmable one, delicious dishes are only a few steps away with these Healthy Exchanges(r) low-fat, low-sugar, heavenly creations-soup to nuts. JoAnna Lund once again proves that healthy...Read more

A must-have for anyone who wants to enjoy mouthwatering meals while building strong, healthy bones that will last a lifetime.

Everyone knows that bones need a lot of calcium to stay strong. But sometimes it’s hard to plan flavorful, satisfying meals that are rich in the calcium...Read more

Real food for people living in the real world with diabetes.
Just because you’re on a “restricted diet” doesn’t mean you have to be a slave to the bland and boring. Now you can eat exciting, tantalizing foods, control your condition and weight, and stay heart-healthy, all with...Read more

Baking with Splenda

by JoAnna M. Lund

Published 27 December 2005
Take the "Sin" out of Cinnamon Rolls!

From fresh-baked bread and biscuits hot from the oven, finger-licking pies and decadently sweet cobblers to heavenly coffeecakes, sinful cheesecakes, and gooey chocolate chip cookies, JoAnna Lund has accomplished the impossible using Splenda® No Calorie Sweetener. Whether it's her Peanut Butter Cup Cookies,...

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Today's food processing machines are more versatile, affordable, and easier to use than ever before. And now is the time for readers to discover - or rediscover - the healthy goodness and time-saving convenience of their food processors.

Even the cook who's all thumbs can easily whip up soups...

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Author of the Healthy Exchanges Cookbook has created more than 170 easy and delicious recipes to help you feel your best, maintain your health, and build a positive attitude while managing your arthritis.

Fruits, vegetables, and a good dose of light exercise are important for anyone’s health. But...Read more