Jung's Seminar of Kundalini Yoga, presented to the Psychology Club in Zurich in 1932, has been widely regarded as a milestone in the psychological understanding of Eastern thought and the symbolic transformations of inner experience. With sensitivity towards a new generation's interest in alternative religion and psychological exploration, Sonu Shamdasani has brought together the lectures and discussions from this seminar. In this volume, he re-creates for today's reader the fascination with which many intellectuals of pre-war Europe regarded Eastern spirituality as they discovered more and more of its resources, from yoga to tantric texts.

Analytical Psychology

by C. G. Jung

Published 21 November 1989

For C. G. Jung, 1925 was a watershed year. He turned fifty, visited the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico and the tribesmen of East Africa, published his first book on the principles of analytical psychology meant for the lay public, and gave the first of his formal seminars in English. The seminar, conducted in weekly meetings during the spring and summer, began with a notably personal account of the development of his thinking from 1896 up to his break with Freud in 1912. It moved on to discussions of the basic tenets of analytical psychology--the collective unconscious, typology, the archetypes, and the anima/animus theory. In the elucidation of that theory, Jung analyzed in detail the symbolism in Rider Haggard's She and other novels. Besides these literary paradigms, he made use of case material, examples in the fine arts, and diagrams.

Children's Dreams

by C. G. Jung

Published 6 January 2008
In the 1930s C. G. Jung embarked upon a bold investigation into childhood dreams as remembered by adults to better understand their significance to the lives of the dreamers. Jung presented his findings in a four-year seminar series at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. "Children's Dreams" marks their first publication in English, and fills a critical gap in Jung's collected works. Here we witness Jung the clinician more vividly than ever before - and he is witty, impatient, sometimes authoritarian, always wise and intellectually daring, but also a teacher who, though brilliant, could be vulnerable, uncertain, and humbled by life's great mysteries. These seminars represent the most penetrating account of Jung's insights into children's dreams and the psychology of childhood. At the same time they offer the best example of group supervision by Jung, presenting his most detailed and thorough exposition of Jungian dream analysis and providing a picture of how he taught others to interpret dreams.
Presented here in an inspired English translation commissioned by the Philemon Foundation, these seminars reveal Jung as an impassioned educator in dialogue with his students and developing the practice of analytical psychology. An invaluable document of perhaps the most important psychologist of the twentieth century at work, this splendid volume is the fullest representation of Jung's views on the interpretation of children's dreams, and signals a new wave in the publication of Jung's collected works as well as a renaissance in contemporary Jung studies.

Nietzsche's "Zarathustra"

by C. G. Jung

Published 21 September 1988
As a young man growing up near Basel, Jung was fascinated and disturbed by tales of Nietzsche's brilliance, eccentricity, and eventual decline into permanent psychosis. These volumes, the transcript of a previously unpublished private seminar, reveal the fruits of his initial curiosity: Nietzsche's works, which he read as a student at the University of Basel, had moved him profoundly and had a lifelong influence on his thought. During the sessions the mature Jung spoke informally to members of his inner circle about a thinker whose works had not only overwhelmed him with the depth of their understanding of human nature but also provided the philosophical sources of many of his own psychological and metapsychological ideas. Above all, he demonstrated how the remarkable book Thus Spake Zarathustra illustrates both Nietzsche's genius and his neurotic and prepsychotic tendencies. Since there was at that time no thought of the seminar notes being published, Jung felt free to joke, to lash out at people and events that irritated or angered him, and to comment unreservedly on political, economic, and other public concerns of the time.
This seminar and others, including the one recorded in Dream Analysis, were given in English in Zurich during the 1920s and 1930s.