Book 1

Secret Diary

by Julien Neel

Published 1 January 2012
Lou shares the high and low points of being twelve as she takes a few awkward steps into dating, plays matchmaker for her single mother, and discovers, along with her best friend Mina, that they may be outgrowing playing with dolls.

Book 2


by Julien Neel

Published 7 June 2005
Lou shares her year, detailing its high points like Christmas. She celebrates these with her mum in a Paris flat which looks, well, "lived in". Please don't laugh at her awkward first steps in the dating game: Valentine's day starts well, until schemes begin to unravel ...Lou! won the...Read more

Book 2

Summertime Blues

by Julien Neel

Published 1 January 2012
Twelve-year-old Lou's attempt to play matchmaker for her mother and Richard are foiled by a mandatory visit with her grandmother, which is marked by boredom, Brussel sprouts, and Memaw's own plans for Mom's love life.

Book 3

Down in the Dumps

by Julien Neel

Published 1 August 2012
Lou finds it confusing and difficult to be thirteen, especially with her mother and Richard's romance heating up, being separated from her best friend Mina at school, and getting another letter from Paul when she never answered the first one.

Book 3

Lou! Down in the Dump

by Julien Neel

Published 20 February 2009
Party time ...only home is too small, Mum is getting her novel published, Lou's new friend is being rejected by old friends and she just can't find the right words to write to this guy she met last holidays. The pressure is too much, and the solutions is ...a...Read more

Book 4

The Perfect Summer

by Julien Neel

Published 1 August 2012
Lou and her friends find romance when they spend summer vacation at a posh beach house, while Lou's mother travels on a book tour for her new science fiction novel.

Book 4


by Julien Neel

Published 30 October 2011
Furry underpants - who dares to wear? Mum's holiday is an author tour, so Lou vacations with a friend, whose parents are conventionally bossy and clueless. As mate-hunting starts in earnest, SOMEONE is going to get burned, big time ...

Book 5

Laser Ninja

by Julien Neel

Published 31 October 2011
Fire! Their whole world goes up in smoke. Mum, boyfriend and daughter gamely face the future - but that will not stop life's complications - each must cope in their own way: escape, reminiscences, snacking. Until Lou gets her hands on Mum's dairy...

#2 Summertime Blues

by Julien Neel

Published 1 January 2012