The Teaching Portfolio

by Peter Seldin

Published 1 January 1997
A teaching portfolio is a collection of materials that document teaching performance. It brings together in one place information about a professor's most significant teaching accomplishments. It can be used for tenure and promotion decisions or to provide the stimulus for self reflection about areas for teaching improvement. Approximately...Read more

Over recent decades, the evaluation of teaching has undergone dramatic change. In accessible language and supportive detail, Changing Practices in Evaluating Teaching provides not only a cogent overview of these changes but also reflects on current developments to present several useful strategies for implementing new tools and methods in...Read more

Academic administrators occupy a position that is highly complex and entails unrelenting demands such as managing heightened workloads, stretching ever-tightening budgets, and promoting collegiality among intensely driven individuals. At the same time, administrators are facing increased accountability for their job performances. While confronted by these challenges, how can they...

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