Spinner's Wharf

by Iris Gower

Published 1 January 1985

Black Gold

by Iris Gower

Published 1 January 1988
The sixth and final volume in the Sweyn's Eye saga, set in Swansea in the early years of the 20th century. Against the background of the 1926 General Strike, it features the conflict that divided the families of the town for generations.

Proud Mary

by Iris Gower

Published 1 January 1985
Mary Jenkins had dragged herself up from humble beginnings--first to be overseer in the Canal Street laundry, then to run her own market stall in Sweyn's Eye. But constantly fate--and the Sutton brothers--knocked her down again. Dean Sutton was prepared to set her up in a shop of her own, but only at his price, while Brandon Sutton threatened to destroy her with a love neither of them could control. But Mary was a fighter, determined to win whatever the odds, however great the sacrifice.

Fiddler's Ferry

by Iris Gower

Published 1 January 1987

Copper Kingdom

by Iris Gower

Published 25 May 1984
The first novel in Iris Gower's series about the women of Swansea at the beginning of the century. It follows the fortunes of Rhian Gray, who has left Sweyn's Eye to work in a Yorkshire woollen mill. The author also wrote Fiddler's Ferry, Morgan's Woman and Black Gold.

Morgan's Woman

by Iris Gower

Published 1 January 1987
The fourth novel in Iris Gower's series about the women of Swansea at the beginning of the century. It follows the fortunes of Rhian Gray, who has left Sweyn's Eye to work in a Yorkshire woollen mill. The author also wrote Fiddler's Ferry, Copper Kingdom and Black Gold.