Book 1

Double Whammy

by Gretchen Archer

Published 14 May 2013

Book 2

Double Dip

by Gretchen Archer

Published 28 January 2014

Book 3

Double Strike

by Gretchen Archer

Published 21 October 2014

Book 4

Double Mint

by Gretchen Archer

Published 21 July 2015

Book 5

Double Knot

by Gretchen Archer

Published 12 April 2016

Super Spy Davis Way sets sail on a Caribbean cruise aboard the MS Probability with fifty billionaires, a boatload of Louis Vuitton luggage, Anderson Cooper, and her mother. (Her mother?) The weather is perfect, the seas are calm, and Suite 704 is spectacular. Until the door slams shut. For good. Obviously, it’s a system glitch. Surely someone will show up to free Davis, Miss Hawaii, and the creepy staff. But when the minutes turn to hours and the hours stretch into a day, Davis knows it’s up to her. With $50,000 in casino chips, a pot roast, and a crash course in banking, she races against the clock to determine why they’re being held, stop the people behind it, and find a way out. 

Book 6

Double Up

by Gretchen Archer

Published 21 March 2017

Fasten your seatbelts for non-stop action as stiff competition blows into town and the resulting turbulence threatens to take down the Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi, MS. Super Secret Spy Davis Way Cole, who lives on the 29th floor with her CEO husband and newborn twins, takes it hard. If the casino goes belly up, she won’t be a stay-at-home mom because she won’t have a home and her husband won’t have a job. Davis can’t find a way to stop the inevitable until her ex-ex-mother-in-law shows up, unexpected and definitely uninvited. Seatbacks and tray tables in their upright positions as we prepare for a bumpy ride with babies, bankruptcies, besties, and shrimp. (Shrimp?) Enjoy your flight.

Book 7

Double Dog Dare

by Gretchen Archer

Published 20 March 2018

Davis Way Cole lives a (relatively) quiet, (somewhat) simple, and (completely) witch-free life with her husband and twin daughters on the 29th floor of the Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi, MS. Until Bootsy Howard shows up demanding a million dollars. Then there's Princess Smucker. What was marketing thinking when they booked the Southern Canine Association’s annual dog show at the Bellissimo? What was Davis thinking when she agreed to let a dog stay with her? And finally, the last thing Davis needs is an unsolicited house call from Pine Apple, AL’s latest excuse for a doctor. But since he’s there, considering she has a dead body on ice, she might as well have him determine the cause of death. Which he doesn’t. Nor will he leave, further disrupting Davis’s (more or less) quiet, (to a certain degree) simple, and (utterly) seersucker-free life. A life that’s about to go to the dogs. Unless Davis can learn a few new tricks. Fast.  

Book 8

Double Agent

by Gretchen Archer

Published 26 March 2019

THIS JUST IN: On the weather front, Category Four Hurricane Kevin took a last-minute left and is headed straight for the Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi. In breaking news, Undercover Casino Operative Davis Way has one foot out the evacuation door when fifty million dollars disappear, and in its place, a dead body. In other news, if forced to ride out the storm on the hotel’s thirteenth-floor fortress, Davis won’t be alone. Her husband, Bradley, her best friend, Fantasy, and a crew of highly trained first responders will be hurricane hostages too, along with Mississippi State Gaming Agents, a FEMA agent, an insurance agent, a State Special Agent, and an Emergency Response Agent—at least one of them a double agent. The good news is her high school reunion is cancelled. The bad news is everything else. The fake news features a castaway pig named Bacon. The hurricane heist headlines will be sensational. If Davis survives to see them.

Book 9

Double Trouble

by Gretchen Archer

Published 9 June 2020

Davis Way Cole smells T-R-O-U-B-L-E when she’s fired from half of her part-time job at the Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi. The quarter-time job she’s left with is lulling her to sleep, exactly what she’s doing when Birdy James, centenarian director of the casino’s Lost and Found department, disappears. With five million dollars. If Davis doesn’t find the little old lady and the money fast, she’ll lose what’s left of her job, at which point, there goes her Bellissimo everything. What she needs is a good luck charm. What she gets is her home invaded by hard-headed women, a soft-hearted little man, and major carpet troubles, the combination of which sends Davis’s already suspicious mind into overdrive, and landing her between a jailhouse rock and a very hard place. A little less conversation and a lot more action are called for if Davis has any chance of saving herself, her family, her marriage, her job, and the heartbreak hotel she calls home. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Book 11

Double Dose

by Gretchen Archer

Published 10 January 2023

Book 12

Double Blast

by Gretchen Archer

Published 21 May 2024