What Does God Want from Me?

by Mark Matlock

Published 11 December 2006

Don't Buy the Lie

by Mark Matlock

Published 7 September 2004

Can psychics really see our futures? Do angels really float among us on earth? What about demons? And could the supernatural things that happen on TV and in the movies really occur? Using Barna research and biblical truths, Mark Matlock separates the truths from the lies we are told and helps teens like you avoid the traps that can lead to deception.

We all know demogorgons aren’t real, and that evil dolls can’t come to life … but are there elements of the paranormal that are really around us on earth? And if so, what does that mean? In Don’t Buy the Lie, Mark Matlock uses the knowledge he’s gained in his role as a special project analyst and presenter for the Barna Group to present clear principles and intriguing examples that show you how to respond to the supernatural with wisdom, and without being duped. He identifies “thinking traps” that lead to deception, such as letting your emotions take over and convincing yourself something could be real until it seemingly is. And with clarity, he provides biblical answers to frequently asked questions about such things as miracles, angels, demons, and psychic abilities.

Don’t Buy the Lie:

  • looks at both the spiritual and “secular” sides of the supernatural to show what is real and what is false
  • helps develop discernment when it comes to things you might encounter
  • compares the supernatural claims in our world today with what was happening in the early church to present a biblical perspective
  • contains real research and feedback from teens on each topic

Living a Life That Matters

by Mark Matlock and Chris Lyon

Published 6 September 2005

Money. Fame. Relationships. Knowledge. Having all these things—or even one—would make you happy, right? Well, maybe for a second. At least that’s what King Solomon learned—and he tried all those things on a HUGE scale and still wasn’t content. In fact, chasing those ideas and getting what he wanted actually made him more depressed. So what are we supposed to do if the wisest man in history couldn’t make those things work? Thankfully, Solomon left us a whole book of his trials and errors.

Maybe you’ve looked at other people’s lives and thought, “If only I had that, my life would be perfect.” The problem is, those same people are asking the same question when they come across someone else. Even the wisest man in the world, Solomon, struggled with it. In Living a Life that Matters, author and “wisdom expert” Mark Matlock unpacks Solomon’s big “If only” questions on happiness in the book of Ecclesiastes to connect his timeless questions to yours, and explores what really makes a perfect life. Living a Life That Matters lets you gaze over Solomon’s shoulder as he indulges every pleasure, exercises every power, and emerges with a radical conclusion about how to live. You’ll also find ways that his search for meaning connects with yours today and how your story can connect with your friends’ as they seek meaning in the world.

Living a Life that Matters:

  • makes the book of Ecclesiastes relevant to teens’ lives—and also easy to understand
  • contains contemporary examples from pop culture and everyday life
  • explores what it means to live in the world today, as well as the real issue of depression and its effects

In the Wisdom On ... series, you'll find case studies, personal inventories, interactive activities, and helpful insights from the book of Proverbs, which will show you what wise living looks like. Wisdom On ... Friends, Dating, and Relationships shows how wisdom plays a part in nearly every decision we make. In this book students will learn how to gain more wisdom and apply it to every aspect of their relationships-from being a good friend to dating relationships to handling conflict. They'll find the stories and lessons in this book will help them become wise in their relationships. Wisdom On ... Making Good Decisions examines how teens get to make a lot of decisions in their lives- even decisions that can have a big impact on their future. There's no "magic" formula to getting it right. Making good decisions takes wisdom, and in this book students will learn how to gain more wisdom and put it to use in the choices they make.