Book 1

Eleven-year-old Bailey Fish is abruptly sent to live with her grandmother in Virginia, but she gains courage from tales of her ancestral "wild women" and decides to become one too.

Book 2

After a surprise visit from the father and half sister she has never met, eleven-year-old Bailey needs her grandmother's help to come to terms with her confused feelings.

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Bailey and her friends convert an old chicken coop at the Keswick Inn into a theater, but the arrival of a self-centered--and mean--former child star thwarts their plans for the Chicken Coop Theater's inaugural play.

Book 6

When Bailey's cousin Duck arrives for a visit, Bailey is dismayed to discover that he is afraid of bugs and does not like the outdoors, but a few weeks of adventures looking for a bear, translating mysterious messages left on a tree stump, and creating inventions help Duck stop worrying so much and enjoy his visit.

Book 7

Book 8

Book 9

Book 10