Did you know that T. rex's nest is thought to have been 3 metres wide? That's about the same length as two bikes end to end! Explore the world of baby dinosaurs in Dinosaurs Babies. Learn about eggs, how dinosaur babies grew up to be huge creatures, how much they ate and how they developed... You'll find out all kinds of fascinating facts about these fierce and violent beasts.

The Dinosaur Infosaurus series presents to you pre-historic beasts in all their terrifying glory, with realistic artwork alongside digestible chunks of information presented as infographics. Perfect for readers aged 7+.

Did you know that fossilised dinosaur poo can reveal all sorts of interesting information about a dinosaurs diet and eating habits? Explore the world of bones and fossils in Dinosaurs Bones and Fossils. Learn about their special features, how much they ate and when they lived... You'll find out all kinds of fascinating facts about these fierce and violent beasts.

The Dinosaur Infosaurus series presents to you pre-historic beasts in all their terrifying glory, with realistic artwork alongside digestible chunks of information presented as infographics. Perfect for readers aged 7+.

Did you know that Velociraptor was was no bigger than a sheep? Explore the world of meat-eating dinosaurs in Killer Dinosaurs. Learn about their special features, how much they ate and when they lived... From T. rex to Velociraptor, you'll find out about all kinds of fascinating facts about these fierce and violent beasts.

The Dinosaur Infosaurus series presents to you pre-historic beasts in all their terrifying glory, with realistic artwork alongside digestible chunks of information presented as infographics. Perfect for readers aged 7+.

Did you know that 65% of all dinosaurs were plant-eaters? The rest were carnivores! Explore the time when dinosaurs ruled the world in The Age of Dinosaurs. Learn about their special features, how much they ate and when they lived... From Coelophysis to Velocirapto, you'll find out all kinds of fascinating facts about these fierce and violent beasts.

The Dinosaur Infosaurus series presents to you pre-historic beasts in all their terrifying glory, with realistic artwork alongside digestible chunks of information presented as infographics. Perfect for readers aged 7+.

Did you know that Stegosaurus's brain was no larger than a plum? Explore the world of plant-eating dinosaurs in Gigantic Dinosaurs. Learn about their special features, how much they ate and when they lived. From Diplodocus to Stegosaurus, you'll find out about all kinds of fascinating facts about these gigantic but gentle beasts.

The Dinosaur Infosaurus series presents to you pre-historic beasts in all their terrifying glory, with realistic artwork alongside digestible chunks of information presented as infographics. Perfect for readers aged 7+.

Did you know that dinosaurs weren't the only creatures that roamed the earth all those years ago? There were also terrifying sea creatures like plesiosaurs and incredible flying reptiles too. Explore their world in Sea and Sky Creatures . Learn about their special features, how much they ate and when they lived... From Chronosaurus to Quetzalcoatlus, you'll find out all kinds of fascinating facts about these fierce and violent beasts.

The Dinosaur Infosaurus series presents to you pre-historic beasts in all their terrifying glory, with realistic artwork alongside digestible chunks of information presented as infographics. Perfect for readers aged 7+.