Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 5

Meet a kayaking sea otter, a penguin that became a knight, a bear that stole a family's car, a pet cat that called 911 to save its owner, and many more amazing animals. This page-turner offers 100 heartwarming and hilarious anecdotes, illustrated with full color photos of these intriguing...Read more

"Filled with photographs, this beautifully designed book is organized into two-page spreads that each focus on a different topic, making it easy and fun to read."

Presenting the next must-have, fun-filled gift book from the team that created Ultimate Weird But True, 5,000 Cool Facts About Everything treats...Read more

Q: What do planets use to download music?
A: Neptunes.
Q: What goes zzub zzub?
A: A bee flying backwards.
Q: Why did the baby cookie cry?
A: Because it was a wafer so long.
Packed with the silly jokes that kids love, including knock-knocks, tongue twisters, riddles,...Read more

Q: What sound to porcupines make when they kiss?
A: Ouch!

Q: What do you get from a cow after an earthquake?
A: A milk shake!

Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
A: In case he got a hole in one.

Packed...Read more

"What in the world?" That's what you'll say when you open this amazing large-format photo book, full of real-life puzzling pictures. Patterns, colors, shapes, hidden animals, optical illusions, double-take photo comparisons, and much more will give your brain a workout and keep you coming back for more!

How hot is lightning?
A. as hot as a microwave on high
B. as hot as the sun's surface
C. five times hotter than the sun's surface
D. as hot as lava
(Correct answer: C)

What's do you call a group of cats? 
A. a scratch
B. a...Read more