This popular ship-design series is praised for its superb drawings and comprehensive text. Each book contains over 200 keyed line drawings as well as full descriptions of their design, construction, general arrangement, hull structure, operational history, and much moore. Numerous close-up and on-board photographs help to rekindle memories of these ships' exciting pasts.

The Constitution was one of the US Navy's first six original frigates, ordered as a counter to the Barbary corsairs in the Mediterranean. Fast and heavily built, she was nominally rated as a 44 but mounted thirty 24-pdr and twenty-two 12-pdr cannon. Her most famous encounter, after which she became nicknamed 'Old Ironsides' due to British shot being seen bouncing off her hull, involved HMS Guerriere, which she smashed; the same treatment was meted out to HMS Java four months later. Now the oldest commissioned warship afloat in thw world, she is berthed in Boston Harbor. The 'Anatomy of the Ship' series aims to provide the finest documentation of individual ships and ship types ever published. What makes the series unique is a complete set of superbly executed line drawings, both the conventional type of plan as well as explanatory views, with fully descriptive keys. These are supported by technical details and a record of the ship's service history.

The Constitution was one of the first frigates built by the fledgling U.S. Navy, ordered in 1794 as a counter to the Barbary corsairs in the Mediterranean. Heavily built but fast, she was rated as a 44-gun ship but mounted thirty 24-pounder cannons. Her most famous encounter came in 1812 when she successfully fought against the HMS Guerriere, earning the nickname "Old Ironsides" when the British round shot could not penetrate her walls. Built in Boston where she has been berthed for over seventy years, she is considered to be the oldest commissioned warship afloat in the world. The internationally-acclaimed draftsman and author Karl-Heinz Marquardt worked closely with the team at the Constitution to ensure that the book is accurate and up-to-date. Dozens of photographs and some 100 perspective and 3-view drawings are included along with fully descriptive keys and a large-scale foldout plan on the reverse side of the jacket.

Made famous by Captain Cook's first Pacific voyage, the "Endeavor" was chosen by the Admiralty for her strong construction and converted for the journey. Take a close-up look at the ship through a complete set of superbly executed line drawings and photos, including more than 300 perspective and three-view images with in-depth descriptive keys, and a large-scale plan on the cover flaps.