This Brief explores the chemistry and production technology of a cheese precursor: the cow’s milk curd. It explains how different coagulation and treatment methods can be used to obtain various types of cheeses. Parameters such as the type of used milk, the coagulation method, pH value, color, and microbial fermentation have a profound impact on the resulting curd properties, and hence on the cheese.

The authors discuss some of the most important parameters, and how their modification can lead to a variety of cheese and dairy products. This Brief also addresses the question, if cheese makers can standardize their production procedures, and what role chemistry may play in that. Another important point addressed here are the sources of failures in the curd production, e.g. in packaging systems.

Readers will find selected examples of helpful analytical techniques for studying and evaluating curd quality, and for monitoring the chemical evolution of selected chemical substances or protein aggregation. 

This book explains the role of food-oriented (or ‘food-centric’) quality system standards in the modern food and beverage industry. It discusses food safety schemes based on the international norm ISO 9001 and the “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points” approach, and also introduces the new Global Standard for Food Safety (GSFS) and the International Featured Standard (IFS, 7th ed.), outlining standardization for international equivalence (while maintaining the necessary flexibility and independence – which is not always easy an easy task).Providing selected specific examples, it examines the problems of chemical additives and possible cross-contaminations between different production lines, as well as adequate reactions to and handling of intentional adulterations. In addition, it includes a chapter focusing on quality audits and technical data sheets in the food industry, and a final chapter describing the certification of food-grade lubricants in the food industry, especially with regard to allergenic substances.

This Brief reviews thermal processes in the food industry – pasteurization, sterilization, UHT processes, and others. It evaluates the effects on a chemical level and possible failures from a safety viewpoint, and discusses in how far the effects can be predicted. In addition, historical preservation techniques – smoking, addition of natural additives, irradiation, etc. – are compared with current industrial systems, like fermentation, irradiation, addition of food-grade chemicals. The Brief critically discusses storage protocols – cooling, freezing, etc. – and packing systems (modified atmosphere technology, active and intelligent packaging). Can undesired chemical effects on the food products be predicted? This Brief elucidates on this important question. On that basis, new challenges, that currently arise in the food sector, can be approached.

This Brief presents a chemical perspective on frozen vegetables, also known as “ready-to-use” foods. It elucidates the chemical properties and modifications of vegetables from harvest and treatment to the end of their long shelf-life. Particular attention is given to the microbiological colonization of vegetables during the freezing treatments and to the chemical and physical modifications associated. The authors explore the undesired effects of this colonization through the lens of the antibiotic-resistant Staphylococci found in hermetically-package frozen vegetables. With this informative and instructive Brief, readers will understand the importance of the frozen storage technologies. 

This Brief evaluates the consequences of protein modifications in cheeses, with special emphasis on mozzarella cheeses. It explains the influence of biogenic amines on food quality and safety. As certain biogenic amines display a toxic potential to humans, considerable research has been undertaken in recent years to evaluate their presence in fermented foods, such as cheeses. This Brief summarizes how the presence of amines is influenced by different factors such as cheese variety, seasoning and microflora. The authors compare typical profiles of different products, e.g. ripe vs. unripe cheeses, focusing also on the different types of mozzarella cheeses. The Brief also introduces several analytical methods and simulation techniques, which are being used to evaluate the evolutive profiles of different selected molecules, protein aggregation, or proteolysis. 

This Brief describes the chemical features of canned food products and gives background information on the technology of canning foods. It explains how canned foods are different from other packaged foods, and illustrates and discusses their unique properties, including risks and failures. Canned foods are usually considered to offer a particularly long shelf-life and durability. An understanding of their properties and influences on their durability is therefore of great importance in the industrial production, and this Brief offers a compact introduction to this topic.
The authors focus on thermally-preserved foods. They explain that the right choice of thermal treatment method (e.g. pasteurisation, sterilisation) as well as process parameters (e.g. time, temperature) is additionally influenced by criteria such as pH, water content, the presence and concentration of fatty molecules, of calcium, etc. So-called ‘survival curves’ can help in determining the methodology of choice, and the Brief introduces the reader to this concept. The authors also address defects and failures. They introduce selected indicators, which can help identifying failures of the entire food/packaging system, and demonstrate how image and visual analysis can be applied in quality controls. The explanations and industrial production of canned foods are exemplified with the case of canned tomato sauces and beans.

This SpringerBrief explains the importance of Maillard reactions in food processing. It underlines that the term “Maillard reaction” actually does not describe one single chemical reaction, but an entire class of chemical reactions, which lead to browning, with a strong impact on visual appearance, odor, and flavor. It emphasizes that the Maillard reactions are still not fully characterized, despite extensive historical studies.
While under the right conditions Maillard reactions have many favorable effects (e.g. formation of antioxidants), the Brief discusses that there are also conditions where Maillard reactions can result in toxic or mutagenic reactions. Hence, it emphasizes that the reaction should be viewed as a complex network of various sub-reactions, with a plethora of concomitant reaction mechanisms and kinetics. This Brief thus makes a step toward a holistic evaluation of the complexity of the Maillard reaction scheme, with the aim of making better and more targeted use in food processing.

This book addresses the use and management of chemicals in the food and beverage industry. The authors explore the use of chemicals as food additives and sanitizers, and provide an overview of their toxicological characterisation with regard to the employees who handle them, and to consumers. In addition, the authors pay special attention to the safe and reliable management of chemicals in the food production and packaging areas, and in quality control laboratories. Topics such as toxicological risks, the importance of labelling, technical and material safety data sheets, risk categories (e.g. fire, explosion, unforeseen chemical reactions, etc.), safe use of hazardous chemicals, prevention procedures, and emergency planning in laboratories and industrial areas are also covered. In closing, readers will learn more about the future behaviour of food-production workers regarding chemical handling and approved uses, especially in light of the recent REACH obligations.
Given its scope, the book will appeal not only to researchers interested in food production, food safety, risk prevention and public health, but also to professionals involved in quality control and risk assessment in the food and beverage industry.