Search for the "Fountain of Youth" with Ponce de Leon, witness the dramatic events leading up to the Spanish American War, and explore the dozens of different nations from which Hispanic Americans hail. Discover Hispanic holidays, foods, and dances, and find answers to all your questions about Hispanic American history...Why do some people call themselves Hispanic, while others call themselves Latino? See page 11. Where in the Americas did the Spanish first settle? See page 20. Which Spanish explorer discovered the Mississippi River? See page 39. Who were the desperadoes? See page 62. What is the Day of the Dead? See page 78. Who was Che Guevara? See page 106. Who was the first Puerto Rican to break into professional golf? See page 175. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY's bestselling reference books include The New York Public Library Desk Reference, The New York Public Library Book of Answers, and The New York Public Library Student's Desk Reference.
GEORGE OCHOA is the author of The Fall of Mexico City for young adults, Wilson's Chronology of the Arts, and the coauthor of The Book of Answers: The New York Public Library Telephone Reference Service's Most Unusual and Enlightening Questions. Also in this series: The New York Public Library Amazing African American History The New York Public Library Amazing Women in American History The New York Public Library Incredible Earth The New York Public Library Amazing Space