Book 1

Diplomacy of Wolves

by Holly Lisle

Published 1 November 1998
Kait Galweigh is a diplomat - working to keep the Galweigh Family powerful, honorable and respected. Her particular task is to ensure that the arranged marriage of her flighty cousin, Tippa, is not compromised either by Tippa's own foolishness or by those who would see the Galweigh's fortunes founder. At a ball in celebration of the New Year and Tippa's marriage into the Dokteerak dynasty, Kait overhears the Paraglese of the Dokteerak and a member of the Sabir clan plotting against her Family. That she can hear the two men at all is thanks to a secret that she has kept hidden in fear of her life. Kait is Karnee - a monster in the eyes of the world - a shape shifter who in moments of crisis will transform into a wolf. In her life as a diplomat this other self is a blessing and a curse - she can, hear, see and smell with an acuity that show up the lies of politicians and kings, but her curse is that should she ever inadvertently reveal her skill, she will doom herself to a vicious death. DIPLOMACY OF WOLVES is the story of Kait and of Ry, a Sabir prince, also Karnee who would have her by his side despite the fact she is his enemy.
It is also a story of a world that hides its glorious magic under a cloud of misinformation and misuse.

Book 2

Vengeance of Dragons

by Holly Lisle

Published 1 October 1999
Kait Galwiegh is now a fugitive, seeking the Mirror of Souls in order to resurrect her lost family. But to get it she must battle with Crispin Abir, who believes the artefact will make him god. Both are terribly wrong; using the artefact will in fact unleash the souls of the long dead sorcerers who once before conquered the world. Held captive within the mirror, the magicians wait for freedom and the opportunity for vengeance.

Book 3

The Courage of Falcons

by Holly Lisle

Published 1 January 2000
Kait Galweigh, her Sabir lover Ry and his cousin Ian have captured the Mirror of Souls, an artefact that can confer immortality, but only at huge cost to the innocents whose souls are used to feed it. But while Kait and her friends are battling the ages-old evil of the Mirror, her cousin Danya, raped and Scarred, is being groomed for godhead, gathering together a mighty army of the Scarred, ready to invade and conquer the Rich Lands. COURAGE OF FALCONS, like the first two books in the sequence, is a masterful fantasy with well-realised characters, a cracking plot and a villain who exudes evil from every pore.