
by David Flint

Published 19 February 1993
This is a collection of photocopiable activities for the five to eleven age group which address a range of geographical skills and concepts. The activities are divided into sections within which they are ordered by level of ability/attainment. Section headings include developing map skills, places to live, work, leisure, getting aroound, materials and their sources, water, weather and energy sources. The teachers' notes give clear guidance for using these sheets and an explanation of how the book will help teachers to implement the requirements of the National Curriculum.

Locality Studies

by David Flint

Published April 1995
Locality Studies - the study of your own home area - is part of the geography curriculum. This book offers generic sheets for completion wherever the children live, organized under headings such as houses, local streets, schools, people, transport, industry, contrasting localities, water resources and landscape features. It contains at least 130 photocopiable pages.


by David Flint

Published January 1995
Mapping skills are difficult for both teachers to teach and children to learn as they involve basic concepts and understanding that have to be learned and acquired gradually - and at an early age. This book aims to help teachers to add structure and progression to mapwork throughout the primary phase. The photocopiable activities are graded from Level 1-5 and are organized into the following sections: location, plan views, symbols, direction, co-ordinates, distance and scale and contours. This is a structured programme, taking the child right through from basic, pre-map-reading skills at Level 1 to more complicated activities appropriate to Level 5. It concentrates on how children learn different mapping skills gradually through a range of activities.