A Caribbean Pirate

by John Farndon

Published 10 May 2016
A Caribbean Pirate It s 1718 and Jamie Flynn has been snatched from the dock in Charleston and whisked aboard a pirate ship. He doesn t yet know he is now one of the crew on the notorious vessel of the most notorious Blackbeard.... But he soon learns all about climbing the mast as a lookout; punishments; ambushing and storming of ships and the true price of being a predatory pirate. How to Live Like A...a second series, that takes you on four more journeys into the past, in the company of a lively and engaging young narrator. He has a special role in his world and he brings a first-hand look into other, very different times and cultures. You will gain a fascinating insight into all that is weird, exciting, strange and scary... a spell binding and epic journey into the lives of people from our past.

An Aztec Priest

by John Farndon

Published 10 May 2016
An Aztec Priest ...Ten Vulture was destined from babyhood to serve as a priest. At the age of 15 he leaves his family for the great city of Tenochtitlan, to be schooled for years as a follower of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. In addition to learning about secret rituals and studying incantations, horoscopes and planetary events he joins war parties to capture people as sacrifices. How to Live Like A...a second series, that takes you on four more journeys into the past, in the company of a lively and engaging young narrator. He has a special role in his world and he brings a first-hand look into other, very different times and cultures. You will gain a fascinating insight into all that is weird, exciting, strange and scary... a spell binding and epic journey into the lives of people from our past.

A Samurai Warrior

by John Farndon

Published 10 May 2016
A Samurai Warrior ...Join Takeshi in a magnificent samurai castle where he trains to become one of the daimyo s guard: learning to fire arrows at the gallop, to spar with Katana (the samurai sword of choice), to fight with war fans and his bare hands, and to follow the warrior s spiritual code until the great day comes when he witnesses the mightiest single combat ever. How to Live Like A...a second series, that takes you on four more journeys into the past, in the company of a lively and engaging young narrator. He has a special role in his world and he brings a first-hand look into other, very different times and cultures. You will gain a fascinating insight into all that is weird, exciting, strange and scary... a spell binding and epic journey into the lives of people from our past.

An Egyptian Mummy Maker

by John Farndon

Published 10 May 2016
An Egyptian Mummy... Neferu is embarking on the trip of a lifetime not only down the Nile but right inside a temple to learn the secrets of embalming and the downright yucky job of cleaning out a dead body, before assisting at the entombment of Ramesses and his treasures in a secret burial chamber deep inside a pyramid. How to Live Like A...a second series, that takes you on four more journeys into the past, in the company of a lively and engaging young narrator. He has a special role in his world and he brings a first-hand look into other, very different times and cultures. You will gain a fascinating insight into all that is weird, exciting, strange and scary... a spell binding and epic journey into the lives of people from our past.